Bubbling in mouth


I just saw my female chameleon with a huge bubble outside her mouth this morning, and i wonder if that's an indication of sickness?

Chameleon Info:

  • Your Chameleon - Female Ambilobe, approximately 13 months old. It has been in my care for six days
  • Handling - i don't handle her at all.
  • Feeding - I feed her mostly with crickets, gutloaded and dusted with Repashy vitamins n' calcium powder. supplemented by dubia and cherry cockroaches.
    Over these six days, i only witnessed her eating once this morning. Earlier on, i left the feeders in a metal bowl and they seemed to clear out. she won't eat with me around. so i tend to leave her alone, hence i'm not sure how much she has been eating and how many feeders escaped out of the bowl.

  • Supplements - Repashy vitamin and calcium powder, alternate days.

  • Watering - Misting thrice a day, 7am, 12noon and 4pm, 6-9mins each time. supplemented by a dripping bottle that drips onto leaves. i didn't witness her drinking.

  • Fecal Description - wet, quite solid white-greyish with light-orangish whites. not tested for parasites, there's no such vets in my neighbourhood

  • History - I got her about six days ago from a fairly irresponsible local breeder. she has one eye closed, perhaps due to infection? but she's recovering from that as i saw her opening her closed eye today... i think the eye infection is going away. the other eye is alright.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Screen cage, 80cm x 45cm x 45cm
  • Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
  • Temperature - day ambient temperature at 27 deg celsius (78.8 farenheint ), basking temperature at 30 deg celsius ( 80 deg farenheint )
    night ambient temperature at 25 deg celsius ( 77 deg farenheint ), no temperature gradient at night

  • Humidity - 70-80% humidity. i mist thrice a day, and it's naturally humid here in our city
  • Plants - a pot of Epipremnum aureum
  • Placement - in my spare room, air-conditioned during this summer to keep the temperatures cool.
    cage is located mid-height, with equal spacing above and below the cage. A fan blowing in the room but not directly at the cages

  • Location - Guangzhou, China.

Current Problem - i left her at my balcony to enjoy the sun for about an hour. she went hiding into the pot of Epipremnum aureum instead (at the bottom of the cage), but i saw her eating for the first time as i left a bowl of cherry cockroaches and dubia near the pot of plants.
i saw her bubbling at her mouth before she ate, and as the temperatures start to soar to 90 deg farenheint , her eyes start to close as if she's taking a nap. i quickly took her back to the room where i usually keep her cool

her room temperature - day ambient temperature at 27 deg celsius (78.8 farenheint ), basking temperature at 30 deg celsius ( 80 deg farenheint )

should i be worried, especially with the huge bubble coming out of her mouth?

here's a closeup of her bubbling mouth. it happened only for a brief moment, just wondering if it's any indication of sickness?
If she has a lot of it with popping, and crackling sounds it could be an upper repertory infection. Does she seem to have a hard time breathing, and keep her mouth open a lot?
she doesn't keep her mouth open. no crackling sound. it's just one huge bubble and nothing else, no more bubbles afterwards. should i be worried?
With just one bubble and no wheezing or popping sounds I would tend to think there I'd nothing wrong, but still I would keep a mindful eye just to be sure.
here's another angle


her right eye was closed since i got her six days ago (no thanks to a lousy local breeder), her left eye is wide open all the time

but this morning, since i left her in the balcony to have some sunshine, perhaps the sun is too hot. temperature slowly soared to 32.5 degree celsius. she hide in the pot of plants (but another of my female younger panther chameleon is still happily basking

then she started to close her left eye as well. should i be worried? i quickly move her back indoors again.
my mentor in hong kong said she is probably down with upper respiratory infection and flu, he told me to start giving her antibiotics.

I just ordered a bottle of baytril (in injectible liquid form) online, it will arrive three days later. i hope it's in time
Open her mouth and look down her throat, I believe you'll see bubbles down there. Definitely upper respiratory infection. I would administer the Batril orally for 10 days.
do you have a picture of that lump? pls post it so we could understand the problem better.

or perhaps post the link to your question here?
do you have a picture of that lump? pls post it so we could understand the problem better.

or perhaps post the link to your question here?
It's not a clear picture and I don't have any others but it seems to have gone down a bit. He's had it for a while but i think it's fine. I'm going to ask the man at my local reptile store just in case but he seems fine


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It's not a clear picture and I don't have any others but it seems to have gone down a bit. He's had it for a while but i think it's fine. I'm going to ask the man at my local reptile store just in case but he seems fine

Do you mean that lump on the side of his throat? That doesn't look normal, but your picture isn't very clear. Take a few at different angles so we can have a clear picture of what you are worried about. If that lump on the side of his throat/face is in fact a lump and not just the joint where his upper jaw and lower jaw meet, I suggest you get him to a vet.
dear all,

it's been nine days since i first noticed strange symptoms on this 13-month old female chameleon that came to me with a closed/injured right eye.

here's the latest development. She poo-ed this afternoon (at 3pm) after a few days' of constipation perhaps (or simply no poo because she wasn't eating)
i quickly rushed the poo to the only reptile vet in town and i just received an update, there's no parasites but there's candidiasis (yeast?) detected in her fecal test.

because the vet is not on duty, the lab technican couldn't advise what i should do with this report. the vet is only back to work perhaps monday (today's saturday night)

i googled "candidiasis chameleon" and found no relevant info. the nearest i got is another thread in this forum - https://www.chameleonforums.com/threads/fungus-big-problem-please-read.33034/#post-304606

could anyone advise what i ought to do meanwhile? given the new information there's candidiasis detected in my female chameleon's fecal test?

the other twists to my female chameleon's illness symptoms (including closing of both eyes perodically during daytime) is described here - https://www.chameleonforums.com/thr...during-daytime-imply-a-death-sentence.151868/
dear all,

it's been nine days since i first noticed strange symptoms on this 13-month old female chameleon that came to me with a closed/injured right eye.

here's the latest development. She poo-ed this afternoon (at 3pm) after a few days' of constipation perhaps (or simply no poo because she wasn't eating)
i quickly rushed the poo to the only reptile vet in town and i just received an update, there's no parasites but there's candidiasis (yeast?) detected in her fecal test.

because the vet is not on duty, the lab technican couldn't advise what i should do with this report. the vet is only back to work perhaps monday (today's saturday night)

i googled "candidiasis chameleon" and found no relevant info. the nearest i got is another thread in this forum - https://www.chameleonforums.com/threads/fungus-big-problem-please-read.33034/#post-304606

could anyone advise what i ought to do meanwhile? given the new information there's candidiasis detected in my female chameleon's fecal test?

the other twists to my female chameleon's illness symptoms (including closing of both eyes perodically during daytime) is described here - https://www.chameleonforums.com/thr...during-daytime-imply-a-death-sentence.151868/
I don't know sorry
This can be a respiratory infection if it happens when SHE IS NOT BEING SPRAYED. It looks like she is being sprayed in the photo, and this could just be a mucus bubble from the proteins in her saliva. This can happen if she is sprayed too much directly without a proper chance to breathe!

Candida is unusual and I have never heard anything about it in chameleons..
This can be a respiratory infection if it happens when SHE IS NOT BEING SPRAYED. It looks like she is being sprayed in the photo, and this could just be a mucus bubble from the proteins in her saliva. This can happen if she is sprayed too much directly without a proper chance to breathe!

Candida is unusual and I have never heard anything about it in chameleons..

thanks Zen Reptiles,

indeed, i just finished 7 minutes of misting when i noticed the huge bubble forming in her mouth. this happened 8 days ago, and it hasn't happened again since. so i guess it's a false alarm. i have yet seen her showing other signs or symptoms of upper respiratory infection.

as for the fecal tests, the reptile vet was not on duty yesterday and it's the lab technican/nurse who told me that they detected fungus in her poo, and said the fungus may be candida (yeast)

my sick female chameleon just ate some silkworms hours before she pooed (and the silkworm were fed mulberry leaves), could this be yet another false alarm?
I'd say so. I would think there is always some level of fungus/yeast in digestive tracts in most animals. I don't know what candida *overgrowth* symptoms would be in a chameleon though?
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