Bulb problems


Established Member
i hear a 10.o coil bulb is too much for my baby veiled chameleon should i get a 5.0 coil bulb??
Don't get the coil bulb at all, they are no good. Go with either the Reptisun 5.0 or 10.0 depending on whether you have a reptarium or an aluminum cage. The 5.0 is probably the best bed to go with on a baby Cham but stay away from any coiled tube lighting. For the basking bulb get an incandescent light. Here are some sights that you can browse through for price differences and regions. www.reptilesupply.com www.reptiledepot.com www.bigappleherp.com reptile supply has some great prices on their Reptisun 5.0 and 10.0 lights right now for very in-expensive but their shipping can be kinda slow IMO.
i hear a 10.o coil bulb is too much for my baby veiled chameleon should i get a 5.0 coil bulb??
Howdy Ken,
Even though ZooMed markets both 10.0 and 5.0 in linear and compact models, the phosphors are not the same between linear and compact formats. In fact, it is my understanding that the linear models are made in Germany and the compacts are made in China :rolleyes:. The Chinese compact phosphor produces more uW/cm2 of UVB (not necessarily a good thing for chameleons) but the total UVB spectral content is shifted such that it is (unintentionally) more biologically active. Biologically active sounds like a good thing except that this shift is towards the DNA damaging end of the UVB spectrum.

Bottom line: The Zoomed Reptisun 5.0 linear tube (15" - 48" long) still has a record of being a healthy source of UVB for chameleons.

Since you are in the San Diego area, LLL Reptile sells these tubes on sale for about $14 :).
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