Burnt tail?


New Member
I noticed the other day that one of my baby chameleons had a black spot around his mouth; it almost looked like he had been burned. Today another chameleon looks the same; his tail was almost stuck on the cage. He likes climbing on the top of the cage all the time, I'm worried that he might have permanent damage. Right now he's in a tree in the shower. Please help me and poor Helmut & Heisenberg.


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First impression of the fischer's cham isn't a burn but a bruise. Burns most often occur on their back, top of the casque, or over the ribs. I can't be certain, but if the dark area fades and disappears in a day or so it was most likely a bruise. The eye and turret looks OK, doesn't seem swollen either.

As for the panther's tail, check to see if he can move the dark part at all. If he can curl it normallyl it might also be a skin problem or bruising. If he can't move it is something more serious and he could lose that part of the tail.

Please fill out the form "how to ask for help". We can check your husbandry to see if anything else is going on. Pretty hard to figure this out without more information.

Sorry to say it, but the dark portion of the tail looks necrotic -dead tissue- for reasons other than a burn :(. Your vet can determine the correct point to surgically remove the dead tissue to save what's left before it spreads even farther, possibly killing your Panther.

While you are at the vet's office have the Fischer's checked out too.
well they both went to the vet not the good one unfortunately she gave them each a shot of fortaz to hold them over till monday when they got to another vet. she smeared their infected areas on a slide and put it under the microscope but said she didnt really see anything but she thinks its an infection of some sort. i really dont like that vet at all they just treat everything with fortaz any ideas please chime in their husbandry is all on point the only thing i can think of is that i just installed a mister system last week and mabye something got into the water but then it would infect everybody so i just really dont know
Its been a few days...has the dark mark on the fischeri faded at all? If it was a bruise it should by now. If it is a burn you should be seeing some sign that the skin was damaged...some inflammation around the edges of the patch, breaks in the skin surface, redness.

Does the cham with the dark tail move that part at all? If he can't move it it is probably dead tissue.
the fischers looks worse and the tail looks about the same i think its dead tissue too but i think the herp vet is just poking my chams with needles and hoping for a blind cure
their husbandry is all on point

Those two species require quite different temps and humidity. I found it hard to provide a low land species and montane species optimal conditions when in the same room.

Hopefully you see the good vet soon and everything turns out for the best. The tail will definitely need amputated IMO.

Filling out this form, one for each species, can not hurt.

Chameleon Info:

* Your Chameleon - panther- 8 months old have had for about 3
fischers- 6months had for about 4
* Handling - not much at all
* Feeding - crix silks butters goliaths blue bottle
What amount? still feeding daily
* Supplements - calcium with and without d3 weekly and reptical once every 2 weeks
* Watering - misting system 3 times per day and drippers like twice a week
* Fecal Description - fecals look good urates are clean white

Cage Info:

cage - both in screen reptibreeze
* Temperature - 85 to about 73
* Humidity - pretty steady at about 70 to 80
* Plants -umbrella
* Location - ny
i agree that he is going to lose the tip of his tail and yet the vet who just looked at him didnt even say a word about it the very end like the last 3/8 of an inch is completely hardened and dead i really just got taken for 250 bucks by the vet who has no idea what she was doing
just wanted to post the outcome...
the nosy be broke his tail and wound up losing the tip not all of the black area just about half of it the rest healed up fine and he is back to his normal self again the fischers had some type of infection that was literally eating his flesh but within about 2 days of meds it scabbed over and after his next shed you could even tell anything had ever happened.. but heres the crappy part it somehow passed to my male carpet and it hit him so fast there wasnt anything we could do he fought it for a few weeks and was medicated with antibiotics, carnivore care which is a food slurpee basically and silvidine but even on the meds he got worse everyday. i look in his empy cage every day and it sucks ive talked to a few breeders and my vet and no one had ever heard of anything like it so if you ever see something like that on your cham rush him to the vet immediately it only took about 3 days to kill a healthy happy cham he was one of my favorites R.I.P Draco you will be missed
I'm so sorry to hear about Draco!! What a sad thing to have happened to him and so quickly. My heart goes out to you.
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