New Member
ok so i recently bought some trees and put them near some sunny windows in the house for my guys to get out of the cage and get some sun. well they all really seen to love it especially my gravid jackson who ive never seen happier. when i put her in the tree she has the most beautiful colors and seems extremly content. but here is the down side ever since i got that tree she is more and more attatched to it she absolutely loves the tree but now hates her cage!!! she is miserable in her cage now and absolutely miserable while inside it. she turns very dark browns and just seems so unhappy. but put her in the tree presto happy chameleon i dont know what to do i mean if i could keep her in the tree all day i would but its just not really possible. i dont know what to do to make her more comfortable in her cage. she was just fine in it until i got that tree any ideas would be greatly appreciated