Call of Duty " Black Ops" PS3


New Member
Ok so it was only a matter of time before it was brought up. Anyone else on ps3 playing Black Ops? If so add me to friends list and we'll shoot it up. Truckerbob45 is my screen name. :)
was gonna post about this! black ops is horrible! i got it last night, played it for one day, then just posted it back on craigslist for sale, multiplayer is just horrible compared to mw2, graphics suck just everything, guns look dumb, everything is confusing.. id rather play mw2 multiplayer
I am not really feeling it... Black Ops is not better than MW2... I have played it for a few hours and if I dont start to like it more ill be pop'n the old one back into the PS.

Add me... "wazio88"
got it off the web before it even came out for the xbox and beat it. I like the, customization stuff they added but other than that I just nice to have different maps to play
i might get it today.....but im not sure after what u guys said!!!:eek:

funny story every boy in the 7th grade is talking about black ops and all the girls dont get and my friends were talking about call of duty and this girl walks up to us and is like " WHAT IS CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS! is it really gonna be that good?" and all of us were like "YES!"
Another complaint is the sound effects. Some grenades sound like popping a paper sandwich bag and one of the chopper guns sounds more like a vacuum cleaner. Also the campaign mode has a absurd plot and as a result the guns in multiplayer are old antiques which is fine but no very cool. The multiplayer mode has almost no secondary weapon choices compared to MW2. The money system is pointless because there is almost nothing to buy with it. In about one month people are going to have billions of useless dollars. The AI sucks. The players look stupid and their default motions are pointless -- rather than point or check their ammo like in MW2 they just do a stupid little dance from one foot to the other.
To be honest, MW2 was very very broken. The multiplayer was overrated and glitchy and the campaign wasn't very well thought out. After COD4, they really dropped the ball.
Treyarch has great stories in their Call of duty games(the last scene of WaW was beyond epic) , but this one is just plain dumb. Haven't had a chance to play the multiplayer yet though, so I can't comment on it, but Black ops is definitely not worth more than a rental.
Wow bad reviews huh.
I guess I'm just too much of a fan HAHA im in fan denial.
I mean it wasn't what I was hoping it was but still me and my husband play it for
hours :p
Plus zombies is addicting :)
Wow bad reviews huh.
I guess I'm just too much of a fan HAHA im in fan denial.
I mean it wasn't what I was hoping it was but still me and my husband play it for
hours :p
Plus zombies is addicting :)

If you want zombies, Resident Evil is the game...the first 3 are the best for me.
Iam terrified oh resident evil I think its because my dad would play those games when I was a kid and it scared me for life LOL!
Also while were here people should list their set up. I'm looking to try new ones out c:
AK47 with red dot and suppressor
Perks are warlord, marathon, and the one that makes yourun faster
I think light weight pro.

With a smoke grenade and a.normal grenade

My equipment i have a sensor

Secondary weapon is my rpg c:

Anything else im forgetting? I just prestiged so that's my choice for now :p

Anyhow post your set ups!
Are you guys kidding me!! Zombies is a freaken classic WaW and Black Ops version, it's pretty much the only reason why I bought the game. Left for dead series and the Resident evil are great but IMHO no way compared to Nazi Zombies.
Lol i just baffles my mind how you can shoot through concrete and wooden walls but grenades and RPG rounds have no effect on those things lol.. but i still play maybe i should cause it frustrates me haha
It also baffles me how it take five bullets to the body to take some one down, besides hard core, but you get knifed and its all over. I still love that game and I'm really pleased that the wised up and made a feature so that you can play split screen on live c: now me and my husband don't fight over who gets to play
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