Calling all Banana roach keepers- are they worth it?


Chameleon Enthusiast
Hi all, I keep dubia and orange head- I did have some banana roaches before the increase in chameleon numbers here- I got rid if them because the cham i bought them for wouldnt touch them but I now have others who would eat them-
I hear the chams find the green colour attractive so should I start a colony - are they really that much of a lure for chams? I feed my chams with forceps so presenting food shouldnt be a problem as I know how tricksy the roaches are, climbing, flying, hiding. etc.
Big question is what sort of container is b.roach proof- a RUB won't do , I've heard people has a large tupper ware type box with a waterproof gasket around the top? or can you smear a deterrent around the top?
Any opinions would be welcome or shall I just stick to dubia etc?
I find them and Gyna lurida terrible for keeping contained. Lobster roaches breed faster, offer more "meat", don't fly, are easier to feed, and easy to keep contained.
If you look up my thread "My favorite roach (and other feeder) bin" you will see the information on the Sterlite Gasket Storage Bin-nothing better for containment and has an easy lid to cut for venting. You can buy them at Target, you want the 54-quart size for a colony.

The vaseline, or special roach barriers won't work for the adults as they fly.

GBR adults are green, which does seem to attract strikes, at least in some stubborn chameleons, IMO. Since you are feeding with tongs, they will not escape and hide. There are some tricks to the container substrate and furnishings, as well as some harvesting tricks.

You, and others can email me at [email protected] for a care sheet, I have the details in the care sheet.

You can buy a smaller amount to try them out, instead of setting up a colony.


Hi Guys, Thanks very much for that info- It's answered a question I have been pondering for ages, very helpful- I think I wont bother as they sound more trouble than good- although I did see a brilliant gasket topped container perfect for roaches that was enough to turn a girl's head.
Thankfully neither of my parsons are picky now so the roaches I have are probably good enough.
Thanks Nick- I'd like to email you for a caresheet anyway.
I'm delighted with my orange heads and might try lobsters. ( Andrew- I've still got my eye on the rhino roaches- too gorgeous for words- setting for some giant hissers or roth's giant burrowing at the moment though)
Thanks Bob- that's a handy tip for keeping my orange heads.
Hey Bob,

The orchid bark would give them great hiding places. Mine have burrowed the moist coco fiber, it looks like an ant nest!


Hi Guys, Thanks very much for that info- It's answered a question I have been pondering for ages, very helpful- I think I wont bother as they sound more trouble than good- although I did see a brilliant gasket topped container perfect for roaches that was enough to turn a girl's head.
Thankfully neither of my parsons are picky now so the roaches I have are probably good enough.
Thanks Nick- I'd like to email you for a caresheet anyway.
I'm delighted with my orange heads and might try lobsters. ( Andrew- I've still got my eye on the rhino roaches- too gorgeous for words- setting for some giant hissers or roth's giant burrowing at the moment though)
Thanks Bob- that's a handy tip for keeping my orange heads.
I think the substrate Bob mentioned was for GBR's not Orange Heads. Not saying it won't work for Orange Heads, just makes harvesting difficult.


O.K thanks Nick- I'm still at the early- no babies-:( stage with my orange heads but I hear they prefer substrate to bury in. Many thanks again for your help.:)
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