Awwww I so love when it is not a major health issue and a simple husbandry correction changes everything. I'm happy you found the forum and I do hope you will stick around and continue to learn and help other new keepers as they come in. Every person makes a difference here.Hello Everyone!
I have some very happy news to share! I just got a call from my vet. She said the bloodwork came back and showed that apart from slightly elevated cholesterol levels he is a VERY healthy chameleon.
Treebeard does prefer to eat super worms which I am sure is why his cholesterol is slightly elevated. As I was trying to figure out why he was sleeping so much, I just wanted to make sure he was eating and getting his supplements. Now that he is acting normal again (pothos plant blocking UVB light), I know he is parasite free and his bloodwork is good, I will work on his diet to be mostly crickets and dubias with an occasional treat bug.
The vet went over all of my husbandry for him again and gave the compliment that I was doing everything exactly right and she wished she could see visits like this more often and could tell that I cared a lot about him and was doing my best to give him the best care possible.
To celebrate, we gave Treebeard a newly hatched silkworm moth. (picture attached)
I want to thank everyone who gave me support and feedback on this page. You have all been so so helpful.
@Beman - I am so thankful for all the time you set aside to help me problem-solve with Treebeard. THANK YOU!!!!
It was my pleasure to help. I just love a happy ending