can a chameleon fart?

Heard my WC female fart the other day, first time I'd ever heard it. Haha, just thought I would share. It was SOOOO funny. LMAO :D

Welcome to the club! After hearing that noise coming from your chameleons, you'll never see your chameleon the same ever again :)
Indeed they can! The reason I found this post is because I googled "can chameleons fart" because my lovely female veiled just let out quite a few squeakers!
Oh my this is hilarious! I have yet to hear a chameleon fart, but I have an iguana, who can put anyone to shame lol. Her farts will blow dust off the branches, and then to top it all off, she does this arm wave afterwards towards her back end, like she's fanning her fart away!

Now I must go find this thread about Vadge...hehehehe.
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