Can anyone ID This Lizard?


New Member
Hey guys, So at my local reptile shop they have the awsome guy that runs around the store and whatnot and is sooo tame. Knowing that if i get one he mignt not be the same but i still like him. Can anyone Id him? I believe he is a basalisk but im not sure if he is a different morph or however they are classified.


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Green Basilisks and Water Dragons aren't the same. Close, but not quite.

Chinese Water Dragons (Physignathus cocincinus)
Chinese Water Dragons can grow to sizes of 36 inches for males, and up to 24 inches for females.

Green Basilisk

Scientific Name: Basiliscus plumifrons

Length to 28 inches

Looks like a water dragon to me also.
Water Dragons are cool mellow pets, you would enjoy him, but they do need access to water. They sit in the water a lot.
i keep water dragons and the male in the pic is very mature, you can tell this by looking at his head shape. it is more triangular when the males are mature, maybe 5 years old.

i keep water dragons and the male in the pic is very mature, you can tell this by looking at his head shape. it is more triangular when the males are mature, maybe 5 years old.


well i know he is 3 years old. I forgot to ask what kind of lizard he is. But after doing further reasearch you guys are right on the water dragon. Thanks for all your replies :)
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