New Member
Just to jump on the oil thing real quick. The reason why oil is down so much is because it was driven up artificially high a few months back. Then, the over invested oil bubble burst and people bailed out. Many people lost money on its way down, i.e. hedge funds, which were forced to sell there hedged commodity investments to cover their losses. Which is why commodities are now highly sold off. With everyone bailing from the market, and all going down including oil, everyone turned to treasury bills, i.e. currencies, like the dollar. When the dollar increases, as it is now, oil decreases further because we can buy more oil with our one dollar. When the dollar breaks, oil will rise again. Also, if i remember correctly, America makes its oil contracts annually, meaning that since its the end of the year, new consumption estimates for 09 aren't out, and goes the same with production levels.