casque loosing coloured pigment!


i posted a couple weeks ago a picture of floyd with what i thought might have been a thermal burn. everyone was very kind and helpful and told me it wasnt a burn and there wasnt anything to be worried about. yesterday i looked at floyd and more of his casque was fading. This doesnt look like shed, i've tried upping his mistings. i use a small amount of zoo-med reptisafe in his water that mists him and ive been using it for months. The pattern of the spot makes it look kind of liquid related. i've installed a shower curtain to keep his humidity up and done everything I'm supposed to do. i'd rather not fill out that questionnaire right now as i did it last time and got no answers that i was looking for. I can guarantee all is good with his husbandry, i've worked hard giving him an optimal environment to live in. but i cant for the life of me figure out what this problem is. i've snapped a few good pictures of it this morning so hopefully someone here can properly diagnose this. thanks guys


His eyes dont usually look sunken like this. i can post 100 more pictures where they arent. this is what he does when the camera is around
I sure don't what that is, it does look like a burn, I would go see a vet and make sure that something can be done for the problem.....good luck with your boy, he is beautiful.
Thanks for posting the link. It looks kind of like a chemical burn more than heatlamp.

Chemical? Like what? Don't really see how would a cham get such a thing unless you used a sprayer that held something other than water at some time. Kind of doubt that. The ReptiSafe shouldn't cause a burn and I think you'd see more spots in other places.
Not sure about the brighter white spot still, but the rest of the casque looks kinda normal. Here's a picture of my veiled Zaphod. As he gets older the color has changed. He is almost 7 months now.


Hope this helps. ;)
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