Casque question


New Member
I have a 1 y/o male veiled chameleon. I do not keep him in an enclosure I live on the beach in Florida and he resides in my art studio in his trees and areas I built for him. He's huge. 24" to be exact but I've noticed a bend at the tip of his casque is this normal? He's very spoiled and I was just curious. Trying to be the best chamom I can be. His name is Hannibal btw
View attachment 189946 I have a 1 y/o male veiled chameleon. I do not keep him in an enclosure I live on the beach in Florida and he resides in my art studio in his trees and areas I built for him. He's huge. 24" to be exact but I've noticed a bend at the tip of his casque is this normal? He's very spoiled and I was just curious. Trying to be the best chamom I can be. His name is Hannibal btw
Does he get natural sunlight, his casque does look bent?
Is this natural light passing through glass? Does he have a UVB light in his set up?

Please post another photo of him from the side.

Do you dust the insects and feed/gutload them well? How does he get water?
What's the temperature in the room?
Like Kiyonga said, that natural lighting is no good if it has to pass through glass. Glass filters out 98% of UVB. I'd get him a UVB light if I were you.
Kinda what I was thinking.
Yes he has the uvb light in his basking spot. The temp in the room stays around 73 but in his spot it is 91. I water him several times a day he drinks from straight from the mister as well as eating the plants. I gutload all of the bugs too
Is this natural light passing through glass? Does he have a UVB light in his set up?

Please post another photo of him from the side.I need to see his arms and legs without leaves in the way.

Do you dust the insects and feed/gutload them well? How does he get water?
What's the temperature in the room?
Is this natural light passing through glass? Does he have a UVB light in his set up?

Please post another photo of him from the side.I need to see his arms and legs without leaves in the way.

Do you dust the insects and feed/gutload them well? How does he get water?
What's the temperature in the room?
Yes he has UVB. I dust the insects with fluker's and gut load them
Take him to the vet he's going to need special calcium and answer the questions kinyonga asked and I suggest filling out the how to ask for help form located in the health section
He had a check up last month the vet said he was the best looking chameleon he'd ever seen. He specalizes in reptiles. So from the X-ray and blood work he did before it's defiantly not MBD. He gets he proper diet and water intake and I have the proper plants for him as well. I have two light set ups with the UVB lights. We also have outside time with no glass. He is very strong and well tempered.

Is there another reason besides any of these that that is there?
Is this natural light passing through glass? Does he have a UVB light in his set up?

Please post another photo of him from the side.I need to see his arms and legs without leaves in the way.

Do you dust the insects and feed/gutload them well? How does he get water?
What's the temperature in the room?
Here is a better photo just took it
He has definitely been affected by MBD at some point. His forearm is almost a U shape instead of being straight.

Im not familiar with flukers supplements. Are you dusting with a multi-vitamin and calcium with D3 twice per month? Dusting with calcium no D3 every feeding? When was the last time the UVB bulb was changed? UVB bulbs emit less UVB rays as they age even though the light is still bright.
I have to agree with Graves923...he has had or has MBD.
I change the lights out about every 3 months. I'll check the calcium dust and see what it says. I am new to all of this but I do daily care for him and have tried to provide the best possible care I can. When I got him from pet smart I couldn't stand seeing him in that little enclosure and he had that bend then. So I thought it was normal but I thought I'd see what was going on. Ok so what can I do to reverse this?
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