So here is the thing with cleaning and stripping stuff down to the bare minimum. This is the best way to prevent them from reinfection. The oocysts from parasites come out in the fecal when they shed them. So if fecal lands where they drink or eat and then they go back later and lick from that spot they have reinfected themselves.
essentially any plants lower than the basking branch are a potential poop catch. So if you leave a plant like a small pothos in for water and hiding you want this to be higher up in the cage towards the basking branch so they are not pooping on it.
Now this one is easier to clean for you do not have to go crazy with heavy chemicals but you do want to clean and you do want to keep spot cleaning.
essentially any plants lower than the basking branch are a potential poop catch. So if you leave a plant like a small pothos in for water and hiding you want this to be higher up in the cage towards the basking branch so they are not pooping on it.
Now this one is easier to clean for you do not have to go crazy with heavy chemicals but you do want to clean and you do want to keep spot cleaning.