CB Kinyongia matschiei - Giant Monkey-tailed Fischer's

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Juveniles are ready for new homes! They are 6 months old and tearing through 1/4-1/2" crickets, flies, roaches, mantids, and silkworms.

Only those with legitimate experience with other chameleon species will be considered for homes. This species is not difficult to care for but it is important to me that these chameleons go to capable keepers and breeders.

Giant Monkey-tailed Fischer's chameleons are among the most active and docile chameleons. They only live in one forest in the whole world and they are imported to the US only every few years. This is a very rare species and only a handful of people in the US have them. I fell in love with the species and have dedicated all my resources to bring captive populations to the US so that other can see how great they are! Please consider that it has taken me several years to finally reach this point where I can offer these juveniles to the public.

If you need refreshing on what this species is like...
Their Natural Climate
Handsome Male- Dresden
From Breeding to Hatching (this thread)
Bella - Female Giant Fischer's
Alba & Malachite

Those that have bought from me:
Todnedo's Giant Fischer's
Cain's Giant Fischer's
showjet95's Giant Fischer's
clarkrw3's Giant Fischer's

Of course, I will work side by side with you to raise and hopefully breed this species.

$300 + shipping. $440 w/shipping for a pair.

Thanks for looking!
Tails can really be long!




Local pick-ups receive a larger discount.
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For the first 5 that PM me, $150+ shipping for one and $260 including shipping for two.

I keep mine in 36x18x18 screen cages and only males >2 yrs old getting the 48" size. They are some of the most active species and full of personality! So docile and such explorers!

This is a rare opportunity to get this species at all and they are captive bred too!
Spring has arrived and it's no longer freezing overnight! I'd love to share my passion for this amazing species. Over the past 3 years, I have lovingly worked with Giant Monkey-tailed Fischer's in order to spread the euphoria I felt when I first learned of this species.

They are not your "typical green lizard!" You'll see, they are rad! Hungry, active, brilliant tree lions! (without the attitude and roaring;))

If this thread isn't enough reading, why not do a search? I would like all these chameleons to go to homes where the keeper has a bit more experience than just a veiled a few years back that died for some mysterious reason.

For the first 3 that send paypal payment to me, $175 shipped to your door male or female. $250 including shipping for two.

PM me and we can work out the details, weather, shipping, husbandry etc.
Kinyongia matschiei- Giant Monkey-tailed Fischer's CB

I am so sad to be giving up the hobby for a few years. My studies and new baby daughter take priority! Benefit from my need to sell all these wonderful and rare chameleons!!!:eek:

Only those with legitimate experience with other chameleon species will be considered for homes. This species is not difficult to care for but it is important to me that these chameleons go to capable keepers and breeders.

Giant Monkey-tailed Fischer's chameleons are among the most active and docile chameleons. They only live in one forest in the whole world and they are imported to the US only every few years. This is a very rare species and only a handful of people in the US have them. I fell in love with the species and have dedicated all my resources to bring captive populations to the US so that other can see how great they are!

Here's Malachite who has sired 2 clutches but still very active and eats well!

Also pictured with Malachite above is Alba is a proven breeder who has produced 3 clutches and will continue to produce.

Here is Var who is WC and my biggest male.

The remaining are unsexed young adults from Dresden and Alba:



!!!PRICE!!! Please make your best offer, experience with chams, which chameleon, and zip code to chameleo_calyp@hotmail.com - NO OFFERS ARE TOO LOW. Of course, I will work side by side with you to raise and breed this species.

Thanks for looking!
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