CH Nosy Faly update

I have some ch falys that look twin to some of your males. Your boys are Looking real good, I can't wait to see the end result.
Theyre looking mighty good Lee! That boy in pic 2 looks very similar to Drama! Although I think Drama has a little more red in him:D;) Ill have to get ya some pics, everyone here has basically been living outside thanks to the wonderful weather we finally got!:)

Thanks man and yeah post some pics of your boy when you get a sec. I am sure he is looking better and batter :)
I have some ch falys that look twin to some of your males. Your boys are Looking real good, I can't wait to see the end result.

Yeah they are looking good I am fixing to post some pics of my wc adults in rest colors to give people a comparison pics of wc pure falys ..... I think it is funny that a lot of people think falys show a high white 24/7 which is just not true its just they look the best when fired up :) my wc boys have the same background color as these babies .... And for some reason I think people are getting the wrong idea on how a faly looks..












Here is a little thing not many breeders show..... the resting colors of a Nosy faly.... I think they are awesome both ways so here you go. also look at the back ground color on my 2 wc real falys they are not high white all the time like some people would like for you to think. they are more of a off color back ground when at rest. there background color is the same as my ch faly babies. I would love to here your thoughts anyone .
Poseidon at Rest

Poseidon Fired up.

Hades at Rest

Hades fired up.

These are real falys..................
Ok Ok I see I am making a few people mad with this post Let me clear something up with my wc pics. the color you are seeing is still a off shad white with some grayish coloring there is still white there in rest but faded I was just making a point that MY falys are not bleach white all the time. and this in no way is calling my ch babies a 100% falys yet. or trying to make them look better in anyway. Just simply showing what I have seen and see and what my thoughts are.
I think I like Falys MORE now if they are more solid blue at rest. Like Poseidon, I think it's really neat how he is both calm and fired up. You get a beautiful mostly blue chameleon most of the day and then - BAM! Bright white.
I think I like Falys MORE now if they are more solid blue at rest. Like Poseidon, I think it's really neat how he is both calm and fired up. You get a beautiful mostly blue chameleon most of the day and then - BAM! Bright white.

I know it is awesome ..... Poseidon is a beautiful chameleon at rest or fired up that's why i love this locale they just flip that awesome white that is so amazing..... And thank you for the nice comment.
Hey all This is one of my keeper Ch Nosy Faly babies from my Medusa line He just got threw sheding a few days ago and I have been dieing to post a few pics of him:D He is 101% Pure CH Nosy Faly IMO :cool: I have been waiting for one of these guys to start showing there awesome Nosy faly Look and this boy has done it with his nice red rain coming inn and his very cool blue bars and his white fired up background..... This is just awesome to me because Now I know for sure that my babies are the real deal Nosy Falys:D:D:D... Let me know what you all think.







I don't know allot about Nosy Falys but he sure is a handsome little guy.:)

I second Jann on this one. I don't know that I could tell most of the Locales apart even! I rarely am super impressed by panthers but your Faly's are very impressive to me.

My wife loves panthers and I think they're great just very few of them really impress me, know what I mean?
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