Cham not eating


Hi, I have a few questions about our female Jacksons. She hasn't been eating very much lately. She doesn't take crickets from my hand and for some reason doesn't eat them from a cup. She is also a very picky eater and only eats things that move. I have to put the cricket on the screen where she can see it, then after it walks a little she goes for it, but only eats about 2 a day. I don't want to free range because the way the cage is set up, and I would have no idea how much she's eaten. She also looks pretty plump for not eating a lot. I am very confused because our male got used to the cup and hand feeding within two weeks, and weve had her for 2 months. And help/advice is appreciated!!
Oh yeah and she is slightly smaller than our full sized male.
No, we are not housing them together. If she is getting ready to lay, its not because of my guy because we haven't gotten them to mate yet. We ordered her online from lllreptile, but I don't think she's gonna lay. Although that would be nice...
Jacksons don't 'lay' they are live bearers. She may be pregnant which is why she has lost her appettite. Has she had any contact with any males as far as you know?
She's actually not as 'fat' as I made it seem.. and as far as I know she shouldn't be pregnant but there's always the possibility the place where we ordered her from did.
Sorry if those weren't the pics you were wanting I just quickly took them. Thanks again!


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yes, as the other member stated they do not lay eggs, but give live birth and have to be about 9 months old to reach sexual maturity. From reading the Chameleon Care Resources sheets on Jackson's, it takes about 6-9 months for gestation, so your chameleon would have to be atleast 1 1/2 yrs old to give birth from what I understand..
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