cham shower questions


Avid Member
ok so i dont give him showers a lot, its my second time doing it. he doesnt seem to like this at all, does anyone else have this problem? everytime he is in there i have him on the plant and he just trys to climb on me. i dont hold him much, maybe once a week but not for long because i have to bribe him to come out so i dont bother. i think he thinks of me as a safe place and trys to climb on me. should i just forget the whole shower thing or just do it more?
I would make sure the water is luke warm,and not pointed directly at the tree. Point the shower head at the wall and let the water deflect onto the tree. Most chams will try to climb as high as they can get (your head) no matter what, just put him on there and leave him alone.
When I first started giving my chams showers they hated it and even try and walk around and try and find a way to get out. They would climb all over the tree and just sit there. Eventually, they started getting used to it and they sit there and even let the water drip on them from the leaves of the tree i put in there. She'll even start licking the water at the bottom of the tub... use warm water... but not hot.
i use it to hydrate them and in case of shedding, help with shedding. it has been a few hours and he is done shedding oh most. just his tail is left and that will come off tonight. yea he hates it.
I've found that chams don't like to be showered at first. Many will grow to like the idea, but some never will. If it stresses your cham more that it benefits him, I'd suggest giving up the idea of showering, and do a really good job with your misting.
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