Chameleo Estevez has escaped

That's not the outcome everyone was hoping for. So sorry you had to find him like that. I know from experience just how hard it is to lose one of these special creatures. There's just something about chams that I can't put my finger on, but they suck you in and you end up loving these guys so much. Lily's death affected me far more than any of the furry pets - I gues you 'connect' with them on a different level.

Again, so sorry that you lost Chameleo. His name always makes me smile, as does Chamelia Earheart's! Thinking of you ...
So sorry to hear the news,was watching out and hoping for a happy outcome,my thoughts are with you and yours XX
He was an awesome looking cham but how couldnt a person see him on the road? A terrific blue color, well i'm sorry about your loss.
Kayleigh and I have to thank you all for the kind words. Everyones posts, pm's, calls, and words of encouragement in general have helped us through this time.

If he just stayed put around our yard and the neighbors he would have had his fair share of bugs, water, and perhaps a run in with a lady chameleon. But noooo, he has to go all Magellan on my ass and attempt to circumnavigate the world.

Oh well, what is done is done. We still have the little girl so we are pouring our resources and time into her to offset the loss.

edit: I can't believe how many views this thread has gotten. Like I said, the positive thoughts and hoping has really meant alot to us.
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