Chameleon breeder's network

I am a serious keeper and breeder of chameleons and would like to start a network to help fellow breeders share info. about bloodlines and sources ect. for future breeding.

There are many species imported from the wild every year. I believe if we work together we can provide healthy captive bred animals and reduce the pressure of over collecting. Too many animals are imported and not bred resulting in a dead end trade.

What can we do on this forum to start a self sustaining hobby and leave the wild chameleons in the wild?
Too many animals are imported and not bred resulting in a dead end trade. Keeping chameleons in the wild...
The sad truth is people will buy w/c over c/b more times than most of us want to admit. With wild caughts they get adult sizes and prices that are generally cheaper. I couldnt tell you how many have responded to some ads saying that they can go buy a adult for $15 dollars more OR this place has them for 20 dollars less. We are among enthusiast here and outside of the community its even smaller population of true enthusiast.

The "real" demand for some species. Its a shame some of us take a liking to a specific species, get involved in what it takes to breed, successfully breed to find out they dont sell. Take a look in the classified section. You will see quite a few have species for sale that are now growing into adult hood as they dont sell.

I love the thought and would love to do anything to keep/get a captive population going. How do we get people to buy captive over wild caught to relieve the demand for imported animals? Once we do that, we will be able to keep more chameleons in the wild.
The more we breed in captivity the less demand on wc but even then wc are still needed to keep fresh bloodlines. That being said with more cb available the cost could possibly go down making wc less attractive. I'm in!!!
im intrested also

keep me in mind I am doing faly and nosybe, and ambloibe however that ones spelled. Im awaiting eggs to hatch ,in a month or so, good luck ,
I am interested, as well! I have a female ambilobe from Indiana, and a male from California. I would be happy to help in the Midwest area :)
I've bred ambilobe panthers for a few years now and I recently acquired a trio of Jacksonii jacksonii so wil hopefully be seeing babies from that investment in the near future. I would like to be involved in this network. Seems like a good idea
I think tracking bloodlines would be a good starting point.
That way we can work on producing exceptional bloodlines and not have to guess where a female came from or if she is even the correct locale.
I think this is GREAT - I personally would not buy a wc - I will be willing to pay more, and get a healthy animal that has not been threw the stress and God knows what on its way here- it would also be nice to have a history on them - if nothing else- at least age / hatch date , and when I did buy my Jackson I was first told she WAS cb ( only because I had stated I did not want a wc - AFTER I bought her, they did admit to me she was wc :(:mad: - its not that I dont love her - but I want to support the breeders- not the pet shops ! she may be gravid - so count me in too :)
One of the reasons I got into breeding was to keep the wild ones wild.I pride my self on my only keeping CB or CH chameleons. This is why it is so importiant to keep a note book with info on each chameleon to prevent inbreeding. Lets move foward by starting with a basic pedigree page .
Maybe we could all share an examples of ours and come up with a standard page.
I think this is an excellent idea. The biggest problem I see is how do we keep the info accurate and meaningful with lots of people on the forum getting in the middle of what we are doing? Any ideas?
I think that is a great place to start Todd. I think most of us will end up running into stonewalls when dealing with finding out the lines of the chams that come from the big three or four breeders. For instance I have two females from Screameleons and a male from the Kammer's and I would LOVE to know what the other side is from but have never gotten a answer.:(
someone could maybe make a Doc or blog - and a few ppl only could be in charge of adding info - and the rest can use it like a data base - you would submit your info, along w/ a pic- the thing is - it would have to be kind of an honer system thing at first - and this would sure be a lot of work- on both sides- breeders records would be a MUST- maybe start a Chameleon registry of some sort- I know this is a GREAT idea, much needed - but will be alot of work to get this going- I would love to help in anyway - but my cham is a wc - and how would you even know what to put for her info? - or, would she simply start as "WC, 2012 - no other history" ? orr- maybe we could do a spread sheet type of thing- I have many ideas ! I am not a breeder- maybe someday- but I am willing to help do what I can to make this happen- I have no breeding animals, but that means I have the time ( AFTER TAX SEASON) to help on the data entry end of this :D
Great idea, I would definitely be interested in something like this. I think Chris A tried to set up something like this before?

According to Bert Langerwerf, one would really need 25-50 unrelated specimens of a species/locale to sustain a population long term. So, aside from maybe pardalis we are going to need WC specimens to start...

I have a few species I plan on keeping long term, and I surely would give info on them for something like this.
A website where network member breeders can register their breeder sires and dams with basic breed/locale, number of babies hatched, and link their sire/dam and offspring. If a few big players participated it could quickly become useful. A juvenile with a pedigree from this network, verifiable through the site, would be a bankable selling point.

Sounds like a great idea, but it would require some work, and maybe a small membership fee.
A website where network member breeders can register their breeder sires and dams with basic breed/locale, number of babies hatched, and link their sire/dam and offspring. If a few big players participated it could quickly become useful. A juvenile with a pedigree from this network, verifiable through the site, would be a bankable selling point.

Sounds like a great idea, but it would require some work, and maybe a small membership fee.

well, I would be willing to pay a small fee ~ like I said, I am not a breeder (yet:D) I have a wild caught Jackson X - I know she is not a "big money" cham- but I think ALL chams should be included - she goes to the vet on the 7th for a check up, and to see if she is in fact gravid or not- if not- I would like to think about breeding her- but I do not have a male, so there ya go... :p see- the site is working already - I am seeking a male J X for my girl :) ( unless the vet says different :eek: )

yes, this will be alot of work- but I think very well worth it - I am not so much into the breeding part- but more the "keep the wild ones wild" - I was going to ask my vet if he had any suggestions on starting something like this - he is the retired Toledo zoo vet - and they have a great breeding programs , he may have some good ideas too -
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