Chameleon breeder's network

I think this is a wonderful idea, which i would like to support very much, though i have to ad what was mentioned before that i tried to sell my 2nd, 3rd generation Jackson xanth, was not able to and I have 2nd generation Hoehnelii 3rd as 1 month old babies and no one wanted to buy the animals since they were propably too expensive. Think about the time, money and work it takes to get first, second 3rd generation from a Chameleon species. I hope this forum will happen.
The sad truth is people will buy w/c over c/b more times than most of us want to admit. With wild caughts they get adult sizes and prices that are generally cheaper. I couldnt tell you how many have responded to some ads saying that they can go buy a adult for $15 dollars more OR this place has them for 20 dollars less. We are among enthusiast here and outside of the community its even smaller population of true enthusiast.

The "real" demand for some species. Its a shame some of us take a liking to a specific species, get involved in what it takes to breed, successfully breed to find out they dont sell. Take a look in the classified section. You will see quite a few have species for sale that are now growing into adult hood as they dont sell.

I love the thought and would love to do anything to keep/get a captive population going. How do we get people to buy captive over wild caught to relieve the demand for imported animals? Once we do that, we will be able to keep more chameleons in the wild.
Chameleon breeder's network
I think this is a wonderful idea, which i would like to support very much, though i have to ad what was mentioned before that i tried to sell my 2nd, 3rd generation Jackson xanth, was not able to and I have 2nd generation Hoehnelii 3rd as 1 month old babies and no one wanted to buy the animals since they were propably too expensive. Think about the time, money and work it takes to get first, second 3rd generation from a Chameleon species. I hope this forum will happen.
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