I'm pleased to announce a new addition to our collection of chameleon related care resources: Chameleon Care Images. These images were created to act as a basic reference for general topics related to chameleon husbandry. The information is targeted towards new keepers but more experienced people may find them useful as well. It is important to remember that the images alone are not a caresheet replacement.
This new resource was created by Beman, Brodybreaux25 and jamest0o0. Initial feedback and suggestions were offered by JacksJill, Goose502 , nightanole, SharpShooter and Matt Vanilla Gorilla. Looking forward our plan is to keep the resource maintained and to make improvements as needed. If you have any feedback or suggestions feel free to post here or in the feedback forum.
Chameleon Care Images
This new resource was created by Beman, Brodybreaux25 and jamest0o0. Initial feedback and suggestions were offered by JacksJill, Goose502 , nightanole, SharpShooter and Matt Vanilla Gorilla. Looking forward our plan is to keep the resource maintained and to make improvements as needed. If you have any feedback or suggestions feel free to post here or in the feedback forum.
Chameleon Care Images