chameleon color problem

hi, i have had few flapnecks but have not kept them for long enough to know them well. I would guess your chameleon is displaying this coloration for one of these two reasons.

1. Very hot, improper temps. keeping her in the sun for to long, etc..
2. Stress. Typically from site or caged with another or telling a mate to back off.

Actually they are caged individualy
And I found him like that
Thank you for the better photos! The grey/red specimen is a female. You can tell by the thinner tail base and shorter casque. The green one is a little more difficult although I’d likely say female. Again I’m not seeing a thick tail base however there are one or two photos where it does appear thicker but it might just be the angle of the camera.

I agree! She is very pretty. It’s nice to see some different species on the forums. I’m not sure if you can or have the chance but it would be interesting to see photos of their natural habitat.

Thanks so both of them are females??? ??
SychoSquirl...there has been the odd albino chameleon show up.....pretty rare though.
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