Chameleon emergency kit

More ideas...
Flamazine (for burns and wounds..won't hurt the eyes or mouth if it does end up there by mistake)
K-Y jelly (for keeping prolapses moist)
Saline solution
Cotton balls
Latex gloves
Heat packs (if you live in cold climates)
Pet pal (to carry chameleon to the vets)
"Bird tape" (don't know the proper name for this, but its tape that only sticks to itself)
"Cat catheter" (again, don't know the proper name, but its a long thin tube, thinner than a straw that widens at one end so it will fit on the end of a syringe...great for flushing wounds out)
Spatula (the kind used in the kitchen....but don't use it for that, of course!...great for opening mouths or keeping them open)

"bird Tape" Co Ban or Vet Wrap
""Cat Catheter" Small Urinary catheter or i think Foley Catheter
a chamois cloth or cloth for covering or restraining
scale to get proper weight for med. dosage
alcohol swabs
steri strips
Popsicle sticks or similar
tackle box or similar to put kit in
animal poison control #
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