For the past few days my chameleon's fecal has been very smelly (like gag worthy) and a bit runny. Other than that he looks fine, After countless threads here I am sure his housing and everything is setup properly.
well I called the vet and they need me to bring him in with the fecal. The fun part will be getting him there. Last time I had to move him he bit me hard. I dont want to stress the little guy out.
if you have an extra vine or a dowel rod you can just put him in a box. make sure you put a towel down on the bottom to make sure theres some cushion if he should fall. we put ours in one of the boxes our vines came in and taped up the top. he should settle and sleep for the ride. Ours decided he wanted to be out of the box for the 2 1/2 hour drive to our vet.