Chameleon Handling


Avid Member
Hi, so I just bought a veiled chameleon and I got him and open air mesh cage with plants and a live ficus and all that good stuff with some moss for humidity since we keep our house a tad cold and meal worms and cricket diet we spray him down and all that good stuff. So I actually want to be able to hold my chameleon of course they aren't dogs but I'd like him to like coming out and being outside for a while because he's just so cool. He's not a mean veiled he won't bite or hiss or anything. I've done some hand feeding him mealworms as treats everyday and he will eat from my hand with no hesitation which was surprising since I just got him a week ago. He will climb on my hand only when I have worms. It takes him a while if at all to climb on without a treat. Any ideas that could help so I don't have to spoil him with treats and he just trusts me?
I also food bribe my chameleon Carlo to get him out of his cage. I have had him for almost two weeks now, and have handled him almost every day aside from the days he's a grump and hides all day. He also hasn't shown any major signs of stress.

My friend that also has a chameleon has handled hers since he was 2 weeks old, and also told me that it took a good two months for him to fully trust her and now begs to be held. So all we can do is wait to see how their personality develops!:)
I think you're doing the right thing. Very very few chameleons will just willingly walk out onto your hand. If he does it now with a food bribe you should be quite happy, in my opinion.
I was shocked by my male veiled, today! He came willingly to my hand twice today, and after he went back into his cage for a while, he kept scratching at the door, till I opened it again! Now. I know many people will disagree, but I personally feel that he has at least built some measure of trust in me. He is comfortable with me. Which is evidenced by when other people come near. He gets nasty with them, puts on his grumpy clothes, hisses, and gapes. As soon as they leave, he is fine. As long as I don't stake him, or grab for him, he keeps his happy-jams on! Not that the big fat juicy hornworm he got from me this am didn't help! :rolleyes: But if my hands bring wonderful treats, they must not be so bad after all! So. Time, patience, and lots of good wiggly worms are the ticket to a cham's heart.
I was shocked by my male veiled, today! He came willingly to my hand twice today, and after he went back into his cage for a while, he kept scratching at the door, till I opened it again! Now. I know many people will disagree, but I personally feel that he has at least built some measure of trust in me. He is comfortable with me. Which is evidenced by when other people come near. He gets nasty with them, puts on his grumpy clothes, hisses, and gapes. As soon as they leave, he is fine. As long as I don't stake him, or grab for him, he keeps his happy-jams on! Not that the big fat juicy hornworm he got from me this am didn't help! :rolleyes: But if my hands bring wonderful treats, they must not be so bad after all! So. Time, patience, and lots of good wiggly worms are the ticket to a cham's heart.

My previous Cham, Jackson, was the exact same way. He seemed to always look to come to me. I believe they trust after some time. Others quicker than some, some maybe never.
My previous Cham, Jackson, was the exact same way. He seemed to always look to come to me. I believe they trust after some time. Others quicker than some, some maybe never.
I agree. I wouldn't say they become "tame", but they clearly recognize their handler and seem to trust. He is still cautious, and if I get too close, or touch him, he hisses. And if I have to restrain him (occasionally when I have to give him meds), he will bite, HARD!
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