Chameleon ID *obviously fischeri, But what kind*

Yeah that would be a good idea. If you decided to get this guy I would really suggest an in room swamp cooler. >_>
Sang, if I were you, I would definitely pick him up be4 some moron snatch and kill him by putting him inside a 10 gallon tank with a 150 watt bulb.
He looked very healthy. Is the pet store actually care for their chameleon well? Too bad with the new chameleons that came, I officially have no more space now.
James, I would take you up on that offer but I have a lot going on at the moment. I actually had to pass up hand picked K. tavetana for 16$ a piece the other week!:( Gotta compose myself and keep focused:rolleyes:

Trace, I guess that makes me ridiculously awesome and cool too. When the Bradypodion finally get here (the suspense is killing me:rolleyes:) I guess we will have to reevaluate the "title". Also when I hit top 40 radio you will be begging me to take you to Tanzania and BTW, I think I hear a couple girls in the background shouting you better be nice me:p
luckily the Pet store reptile section is ran by tom, and not don. Tom is a very well informed breeder of a few dozen herp species. his knowledge in chameleons is a little limited but they take my advice when i offer it. He is taking care of @ the store in a acceptable manner for a short term care.
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