Chameleon Jokes


The chameleon says to the monkey “man I’m thirsty” to which the monkey replies “go down to the river and get a drink of water”.

So the chameleon crawls down the tree and wobbles over to the river bank. He leans down to take a sip and falls in.

As soon as he does, an alligator scoops him up and says “man are you crazy I could have ate you for falling into the water like that”. The chameleon replies “dang man you’re right. Me and a monkey were smoking a joint up in that tree and I got thirsty.”

Perplexed the alligator says “you and a monkey were smoking a joint together in a tree? I gotta see this” so the alligator crawls to the base of the tree.

The monkey looks down at the alligator, surprised, and says “holy cow how much water did you drink!?l”
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