Chameleon names. What's your chameleon's name?


Hi everyone! I was just looking through this site and noticed the diversity of names. I have only ever seen a repeat in a name between two chameleons here, once. I am sure there may be more but I didn't look too hard. :p

My question is, what is your chameleon's name, what kind is it, and how did you come up with it?

My chameleon: I have a young jackson chameleon. His name is, Tricky. How I thought of that name, was by thinking the night before I ordered him from the breeder, about a good name for a jackson chameleon. Usually when I name my animals, I tend to make a portmanteau using two different words, typically with greek or latin words. So with a jackson chameleon, the most unique features I could think of, at least compared to most other chameleons, was that they're viviparous, and have three horns. I thought of the horns and how they reminded me of a triceratops. So I thought of something like Sarah but that's too feminine for a male in my opinion lol! Then I thought of Tri, in triceratops. My chameleon would have three horns, so maybe something with "Tri" in it. And then something in my head immediately clicked. A video game I played several years ago, called Star Fox Adventures, you had a young companion, a young talking triceratops, prince of the land. That character's name was, Tricky. That name just clicked in my head when I thought of Tri and I thought it was a cool and funny name for my chameleon. After putting my chameleon in his new enclosure for the first time, and watching him walk around, I decided right then officially, that his name is, Tricky.

So that's my story, named after a video game character…sort of haha! So what do you think? Good name for my little guy? Here's a picture, please post pictures of yours as well! This was the 2nd day he was in my care, only 3 months old.


  • Tricky day 2.jpg
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I have two trioceros sternfeldi and will be getting another female soon. My males name is Mal (from serenity/firefly) and my female is Zenia, named after my first chameleon I had many years ago. I also have picked out the name Valkyrie for the female I'm getting in a few weeks , In Norse mythology, a valkyrie is one of a host of female figures who choose those who may die in battle and those who may live. Thought it sounded cool
Love that Sarah from land before time was a thought! The way you name is great! Lots of thought :)
Here is a list of my chameleon names
1. Mr Ester an adult panther, who my son wanted to name Easter because that's when he got him but, called Easter Ester instead.. He was only 3 then. Mr Ester was stolen from my porch. :(
2. Hulk was a veiled. My son named him as well. The name was fitting because he was a complete *******. We gave hi krona friend with no kids and he is still a complete jerk.
3. Yoshi was a panther and I named him that just because I like the name! I got this guy as a 4 day old hatchling off of craigslist. He only survived for a few days. He wasn't in the best shape when I got him.
4. Pluto was also a panther that I bought at 6 weeks from LanceCham here on the forum! Ironically a few other people named their babies from the same clutch after planets too and none of us knew it until months after we got them!
I have three Meller's chameleons right now:

Guinevere - This girl is huge and beautiful, so we knew she had to have a queen's name. But we couldn't think of anything the first few days that clicked with us. Catherine? Elizabeth? Regina, even? So we just called her Lady in the meantime. And somehow that became Lady Guinevere, and it stuck. Between my friends her official fist name includes the title of Lady still lol.

Thaddeus - He was my second Meller's last year and it took me a couple weeks to really settle on a name. He went through a few options but I finally settled on Thaddeus, a name I've always liked. Something in his face told me he looked like a Thad.

Charlotte - My third and final addition last year, I went with another name that I've always loved, also the name of a famous (but real) queen.

I've used a lot of names in the past though, things like Gabriel, Cobalt, Cerberus, Daedalus, Nautilus, Othello, Azura... A lot of Greek names, mainly.
My chameleon is named Pascal, after the protagonist chameleon in Tangled. My girlfriend and I were watching it when I managed to convince her to let me get one and she loved the name. I like it as well but it is quite popular from my experience of reading the forums.
Names of my Nosy Bes

male: Indigo Viking
female: Blueberry Muffin
female: Siren's Song

They all relate to BLUE
Siren is another word for mermaid.
I went with picasso, wanted something that related to the bright colours and neat patterns of the panther chameleons. and pablo picasso being the famous painter he was decision was made after a long thought process
My ambilobe's name is Gerard, "gerard the zard" (lizard) I think i got the name from the band My Chemical Romance, lead singers name is gerard :)
I named my Jax "Ferdinand" after F.J. Jackson, the first governor of Kenya for whom Jackson's Chameleons were named... Unfortunately, for some reason, I got it stuck in my head that the "F" stood for Ferdinand... It actually stands for Frederick!


But Ferdinand stuck, so that's what it is! It suits him, too.
All my male panthers are named by my mother who wanted them all to start with the letter J for some reason.

Jack : Ambilobe male
Jason: Ambanja male
Jamal: Ampiskiana Ambilobe hybrid male
Joe: Nosy Be male

I named all my females, just random names that I thought suited the individual.

Betty: Ambanja female
Ethel: Ambanja female
Jermima: Ambilobe female
Peaches: Ambilobe female
Tricky is a great name for a Jackson. Great use of "tri!"

Azeroth- he was our first that fueled our desire to get the rest. He is named after the vibrant world, in the video game, "World of Warcraft."

Ezekiel- he is feisty and is aptly named after Samuel L. Jackson's intense character, in the movie "Pulp Fiction."

Trinity- she's our sweetheart, with a Kung Fu grip. She's named after the character in the movie "The Matrix."

Cordelia- was our graceful older female, who recently passed. She was named after the daughter, in Shakespeare's "King Lear." I was able to save her eggs, and if they make it, I was thinking it would be nice to give Shakespearian names, to a few of them, as well.

All are ambilobes.
Wow, so many creative names! It's cool how all of you come up with them!

@oblgobl, it's funny your mother wanted them all starting with the letter J. Actually, I played a video game for the 64 many years ago (and still have it) called Chameleon Twist 2. You play as chameleons, and one of the playable characters is a blue chameleon named, "Jack." haha
OG jax: Leonard. Sheldon. Penny. Bernadette.
Nosy be: Benjamin. Beatrice.
Veil: Isaac (sire was Newton). Gwen. Sweet Pea. Rebel. Helena. Cosima.
Blue bar: Sherlock. Moriarty. Mycroft. Irene.
New jax: Lucia.
Countless un-named babies. Missing two names, can't think who they are.
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