Chameleon names!

Coda- The first time I got her my guitar was sitting on my bed where I was holding her, she started walking on it and was able to make sounds with it so I thought it was perfect.


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Mushy (like the dragon off Mulan)
Pistachio (cause she looks like a little Pistachio)
Spring (like her colors)
My male veiled is called boy George as ever since I was little I always wanted a chameleon called boy George
My male panther was called bagheera as I'm i huge Disney fan and being a panther he sadly passed away
Our young male panther is called Shere Khan too keep with the Disney theme as a tribute to bagheera
I had Flower, named for the flowers I wanted to be planted when I was younger, because Flower shared her colors with them. I now have Pete. No reasoning, I just like the name.
My panther chameleon is named Maui. I just think of a tropical place when I look at panther chameleons, plus I like the way it sounds.

Now if you ask my kiddos they will tell you she is named after the character in Moana. ? I didn't even think of that until I told them her name and they had brought me a picture from their coloring book. And she was supposed to be a male, so at first we all thought she was a he, which made made the connection to that character even easier for my kids.
My panther chameleon is named Maui. I just think of a tropical place when I look at panther chameleons, plus I like the way it sounds.

Now if you ask my kiddos they will tell you she is named after the character in Moana. ? I didn't even think of that until I told them her name and they had brought me a picture from their coloring book. And she was supposed to be a male, so at first we all thought she was a he, which made made the connection to that character even easier for my kids.
Being basically a four year old at times, I would probably be like "Yeah from Moana." as the first connection in my head.
My male veiled is called boy George as ever since I was little I always wanted a chameleon called boy George
My male panther was called bagheera as I'm i huge Disney fan and being a panther he sadly passed away
Our young male panther is called Shere Khan too keep with the Disney theme as a tribute to bagheera
Very nice names! I hope Bagheera lived a happy life.
I just look at my animals and yell the first name that comes to my head. That’s how everyone has been named so far
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