New Member
Hey! I have a full spectrum grow light that I use for my plants over winter. I’ve been wondering if it would be alright to use for my Veiled Chameleon. It’s one of the ones that has the little squares as lights. There’s white, red, blue, purple I believe and orange and I believe it even has red lights. You can’t switch it from veg to bloom, that option isn’t on the one I have. I bought it off eBay and it worked great for my tropical plant collection. I want to try to use it for Bling but am unsure. What do you think?We had lights called grolights....which were UVB but not great. when I bought my first chameleon I was asked why I would buy it and told they only live a week or two. The first one lived over a year...stopped counting at a year....the next one was a adult female and lived over 4 years with me. First eggs (C. Chamaeleon) I hatched...I had no idea what temperature to keep them at and lucked out with my guess....and couldn't believe that they actually hatched! Information/knowledge has definitely increased since then!