Chameleon Enthusiast
Ok, I got ya. Thank you for your help with the abbreviations. Yeah, I don’t even drink bottled water. Lol! Sometimes I do if it’s Fuji Spring water. That stuff tastes so good and smooth. But it’s rare that I drink bottled water and my plants NEVER get bottled water. Now I will prepare their water at least 24 hours ahead of time so the bleach can evaporate out. I might start boiling the water too but I think it will take beneficial things out of the water that my plants could use. So I’m not completely sure about doing that yet. Maybe I will do it for a few weeks just to test it out and see if the plants do any better than they already are. But I’m totally against using bottled water for plants. That makes no since to me. They don’t need bottled water in the wild.... not trying to insult anyone’s intelligence here because I know a lot of people do use bottled water for their plants. But to me personally it don’t make any since what so ever unless it’s a sensitive plant like M. Magnifica that was grown from seed and grew up on bottled water which a lot of people do. I almost bought a big one that was grown like that. When the man who raised the plant told me that he has only used bottled water on it, that caused me to look else where. I got a small 4 inch potted M. Magnifica for pretty cheap last year from Aloha Tropicals online and she’s still doing good today. Now she did start losing a lot of her growth crystals when I took her from under the grow lamp and put her out for the spring weather but I think she’ll be fine. She’s growing new leaves. That’s a good sign.
Do you grow plants too?
Bottled water =/= RO water.
Bottled water, is usually water that was filtered by an RO system and then had minerals deposited back into the water.
Usually with bottled those are good your you, human minerals. Sometimes like with Flouride, thats debatable.
RO filters, remove 99% of everything that includes beneficial bacteria, and good minerals. So the water is pretty close to pure water. The purity of someone's RO water depends on the starting waters purity, and the RO setup they use, TDS meters will show you the amount of TDS (Total Dissolved Solids, IE not water)
As to water in the wild, not really. Both Chameleons and the majority of non aquatic/riparian plants, get water Via rain. Rain water is also void of 98% of minerals it will usually have a slightly higher TDS than RO, but not much. All the minerals and salts it contains it pulls from the air, while falling and surfaces it falls on. Rain water running down a limestone, will be calcium rich, but before then its not.
Some plants, usually the more common garden center plants, ect, do not really mind tap water. The animals is debated, however alot of the rarer tropical plants, from rain forests and like CPs and Orchids, will perish from tap water. The minerals are too much, but again this only really applies to more delicate plants.
Really depends on the plant and the owner. I only use RO water, as quite a few of my plants will die given tap, and quite a few of my plants are 100+ dollars for a seedling, must less a grown plant.
As to boiling. That provides the opposite effect of what your after.
When water is distilled, they boil the water, the steam that comes off is then funneled into a jug that is the distilled water. Whats left in the pot, is FAR from pure water its got much less actu water and the same amount of crud it had to start. This leftover, has a higher TDS and the concentration of bad stuff, is higher than it was. The pure water, has been boiled off into steam and flown away.