chameleon stressed??


hey ive had my new panther for about 2 weeks and just put him in a larger enclosure that is 44' tall and 2ft by 2.5 ft and his eating slowed down over the next days and now he hasent very much since the temp is 88 in basking with lots of other temps throughout the cage down to 69 degrees i have tried cup feeding he used to do it but now he just walks around everywhere including upside down and idk why?? he alwayse drinks water i spray him a few times a day. what should i do he seems healthy i just knw if he doesnt start eating he wont get bigger. i feed crickets butter worms and giant mealworms and it has eaten a few roaches but it stopped eating those and everything. would it be better to cover the sides of the enclosur with a blanket so it cant see out? or just leave him alone for a few days.
It is just like moving him to a new environment like the day your got him. Give him a few more days to get used to his new cage. Did he not hang upside down when you firt got him in the other cage? Sometimes they willdo that. how old is your chameleon? And no I wouldn't cover the enclosure up. Let him get used to the new area inside and outside of his cage.
he is close to six months now i want to post a pic but i dnt know how there are a few crix walking around now and i dont want to stress him out any more by trying to catch them hopefully they dont freak him out to much
click on post reply andthen click on the little paper clip to right of the white smiley face above to post a pic.
here is a pic and one of the enclosure


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He could also be just about to shed. IMO I go through this with my crew often. Coloration comes with time by the time he is about 12 -15 months he should be good to go!;)
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