Chameleon tail dying?


New Member
Hi. I just noticed that the tip of my Veiled chameleon’s tail is brown/looks like it is dying. What could it be and how do I fix it? We think he is a he (we saw spurs on his feet). He is captive bred, he is a juvenile, and he is kept in a 16 by 16 by 30 inch screen terrarium. I mist him once/twice a day and have a repti fogger for his terrarium. His light is a 100 watt repti-sun UV bulb which is his heat source. He has a 50 watt night black heat bulb for nighttime. I gutload my crickets and feed him 10 every night. I am located in Mid-Missouri.
you may need a trip to the vet, it looks like a cricket may have chewed on it or shed may have stuck and suffocated that part of the tail, does the heat bulb produce light at night? if so get rid of it and get a CHE. 10 may be too many crickets for him maybe one cricket got to his tail.
Just by your brief description, there is a lot of husbandry issues to address.

First, he will need a vet to look at the tail and make sure there is no infection.

Second, no lights at night. Chameleons need near total darkness at night and having the temperature in the cage drop is healthy for them.

Next, You need both a basking bulb for heat (can be a 60w-75w incandescent house bulb) and a seperate UVB 5.0 bulb. We recommend a T5HO linear UVB bulb and fixture. UVB is extremely important in preventing Metabolic Bone disease.

Finally, You need to make sure you are misting atleast 3 times per day for atleast 2-5 minutes each time. This is important to prevent dehydration and also give the chameleon a chance to clean their eyes.

Read the articles below, please.
View attachment 221436Hi. I just noticed that the tip of my Veiled chameleon’s tail is brown/looks like it is dying. What could it be and how do I fix it? We think he is a he (we saw spurs on his feet). He is captive bred, he is a juvenile, and he is kept in a 16 by 16 by 30 inch screen terrarium. I mist him once/twice a day and have a repti fogger for his terrarium. His light is a 100 watt repti-sun UV bulb which is his heat source. He has a 50 watt night black heat bulb for nighttime. I gutload my crickets and feed him 10 every night. I am located in Mid-Missouri.

Based on your description it sounds as if you got poor husbandry information in general. I'd also suggest reading the basic husbandry articles found under the forum's Resources tab. Compare what you were told originally with the information there. You may find other things you need to fix. Good luck!
Learning proper husbandry for these animals is quite a process, but it is absolutely worth it for both yourself & your chameleon! Glad you asked for help & have a vet appointment.

Sawyer after his tail clip. He is doing well! Other news we received: The vet said that “he” is actually a “she”! Thank you for all of your help!


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