chameleon uri Doxycycline


New Member
hello my chameleon was prescribed with Doxycycline for his URI. was told to disolve one capsule in 8 ounces of water and give it to my chameleon in the mouth with an eye dripper. ive been doing it for 3 days now almost twice a day and now hes gaping his mouth alot and making a hising noise and hes very active too, running around his encloure. Is this normal?
Active is a good thing. The gaping and hissing sounds like he is mad. Not to be confused with gaping because he is having trouble breathing. As long as he is hissing and not popping or wheezing that is what you want to be concerned about. Never had one with a RI so not sure if that is normal or not.
What are your temperatures like? Typically with a RI I have heard to up the temps in the cage and that can also help clear out the infection.
temps in the cage are usually from 70-80 during day, 90+at basking spot, and 60-70 at night. i will try to raise the temps. but he just walks around like crazy and opens his mouth and makes a hissing noise, doesnt sound like weezing but he doesnt even look mad. BTW is Doxycycline a good medicine?
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