Chameleon webcams

Now, what would be really cool would be the chameleon-mounted camera ("chamera"?) so you could get a cham's eye view of things...
Love the chamera idea! Maybe you should pitch it to a wildlife documentary show? You could make a chameleon robot - chamaeleo robotus and release it into the wild and see how it interacts with other chams! Now that would be cool!
I have done this in the past, including the recent past. Whenever I have a new arrival I have a cam set to 1 minute intervals so I can check-up on him/her via the internet when I'm at work. Its actually not all that interesting to watch, to be honest. But its cheap/easy to set-up.
Is there a wireless web cam you can run off a wifi or something? My PC and chams are in totally different rooms but I have wifi running :)
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