Chameleon won't eat crickets


I have a 6 month old male veiled chameleon. He has been eating about 10 crickets every day. The past few days he won't even look at him. He will happily take wax worms and superworms but shows zero interest in crickets. Any ideas on what the issue could be. I also have a female veiled that I house in a different room and she hasn't been taking her crickets either. Thanks
Sometimes chameleons just get bored of feeders, it's normal. I would recommend you introduce feeders that are more nutritious than waxworms, such as dubia roaches and silkworms. Good luck, usually they will return to a feeder they once ignored.
I had same problem i orderd 500 crickets and when they arrived my cham was like nope i dont want those so i had to get aload different feeders so i give him a mixture.

Heres my feeding pattern

Monday - crickets - pheonix worms
Tuesday - locus
Wens - pheonix worms - locus
Thurs - silk worms
Friday - crickets
Saturday - pheonix - silk
Sun - locus - cricks

All crickets + locuses are dusted and gutloaded 24h before feed
I had same problem i orderd 500 crickets and when they arrived my cham was like nope i dont want those so i had to get aload different feeders so i give him a mixture.

Heres my feeding pattern

Monday - crickets - pheonix worms
Tuesday - locus
Wens - pheonix worms - locus
Thurs - silk worms
Friday - crickets
Saturday - pheonix - silk
Sun - locus - cricks

All crickets + locuses are dusted and gutloaded 24h before feed

Where do you get locus?
Yeah it's just strange. He would go ape shit over crickets then out of no where he's like crickets are my friends
Yeah it's just strange. He would go ape shit over crickets then out of no where he's like crickets are my friends
Same here about 3 weeks ago mine all of a sudden was like Cricket? pshhh u eat it if you think it looks so good!! Lol so I ordered sum Dubai's and he can't get enough of them then yesterday I was wondering if he would eat Crickets again and sure enough he ate 10 of them as fast as he could
I'm the exact opposite roaches freak me out lol but I can deal with them however Crickets do run a higher risk of parasites tho

I got over the roaches pretty quick, they kinda freaked me out at first, now I don't care. They don't jump at me like the crickets do. Except for the adult males when they get the wings. They still freak me out.
I'm still on small/medium my cham is only about 7 month's old but WINGS!!! no think you I can not handle these basterds flying lmao nope nope ummm nope
LOL. They don't fly, they just look freaky. They don't even flap their wings that I have seen. I only have them because I have a colony. But boy was it satisfying to feed them off to my beardie when I had too many.
Technically adult male dubias do flutter their wings and can kind of glide from what I have heard but have never seen it done. They seem to prefer falling. The most time I have the males flutter their wings is when they are marking new territory and when they are trying to scare off another male. It's so cute.
Currently having the exact same issue with my juvenile Panther. He was good for 3-5 crickets per feeding until he found out what mealworms were. Now he crushes mealworms (I gut load them best I can) and turns away from crickets for the past week. Today he took ONE freshly molted, slow cricket and didn't seem as happy about it as I was. My veiled will eat absolutely anything that moves.
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