Chameleons are not toys

Okay.... I am just going to take everone's word on how bad it was. Just can't bring myself to knowingly watch something so irresponsible.
If anyone is interested he is a 25yo M form Bournemouth, UK. I am trying to get in touch with the Authorities there.
Okay.... I am just going to take everone's word on how bad it was. Just can't bring myself to knowingly watch something so irresponsible.

I think you watched it;)... jk. this video is horrible though, such a good looking cham too. Makes me wonder if the owner was just influenced by his entourage... or if it was equally his idea. peer pressure? to force your cham to ride a chicken, haha?
leave it to some hillbillys! sorry just upsets me!

If anyone is interested he is a 25yo M form Bournemouth, UK. I am trying to get in touch with the Authorities there.

So...not really some hillbillies...

I thought the accents were English. Not that I defend "hillbillies" but really...when English people are doing it, how does it get ascribed to "hillbillies"? family comes from the south and that's where we think hillbillies maybe I'm touchy....

I'll note that no laws were broken so there's not going to be any action taken against the kids...we can hate it, but it's not actionable.
ok... i dont mean to make light of the issue... but did you see the chickens name? (it was just below the video) its chuck the chicken lidell.... im sorry... i have to laugh for a second... hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha okay... its just too perfect of a name... and im judging by the name, hes probably a pretty fiesty chicken who must have just been having a good day (btw, chuck lidell is a UFC fighter... and he is sooo sexy OMG!) okay, back on subject... the video is pretty cruel, but honestly, there are more cruel things out there... i personally would NEVER let my cham ride a chicken or come in contact with any other living creature other than the occasional human... but i honestly dont think the authorities are going to do anything... im sure they have bigger fish to fry and will laugh in your face when you tell them you saw a video on youtube of a chameleon riding a chicken... just be glad it wasnt worse... but i must stress, i did think it was very mean... other people probably just wont see it as terrible as us cham luvers

PS- please dont be mad at me for this, im just showing the opposite side of the spectrum, not that i necessairally agree with it, but there is two sides to every coin. the UK police wont do anything
PTV...we may need to cower in the corner later...but yeah...I'm sure that way worse things have been done... They were there to break it up if it went the grand scheme of was not really that horrible.

Was it good? No.

So, please, any one responding keep that in mind. NOT GOOD!
ok... i dont mean to make light of the issue... but did you see the chickens name? (it was just below the video) its chuck the chicken lidell.... im sorry... i have to laugh for a second... hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha okay... its just too perfect of a name... and im judging by the name, hes probably a pretty fiesty chicken who must have just been having a good day (btw, chuck lidell is a UFC fighter... and he is sooo sexy OMG!) okay, back on subject... the video is pretty cruel, but honestly, there are more cruel things out there... i personally would NEVER let my cham ride a chicken or come in contact with any other living creature other than the occasional human... but i honestly dont think the authorities are going to do anything... im sure they have bigger fish to fry and will laugh in your face when you tell them you saw a video on youtube of a chameleon riding a chicken... just be glad it wasnt worse... but i must stress, i did think it was very mean... other people probably just wont see it as terrible as us cham luvers

PS- please dont be mad at me for this, im just showing the opposite side of the spectrum, not that i necessairally agree with it, but there is two sides to every coin. the UK police wont do anything

hahahah that is a creative name for the chicken. but chuck liddell SEXY???? haha??? what? I'm a dude, so I cant really say either way.... but I wouldn't describe chuck liddell as sexy( he is bad ass tho) .. hahahah way off topic
hahahah that is a creative name for the chicken. but chuck liddell SEXY???? haha??? what? I'm a dude, so I cant really say either way.... but I wouldn't describe chuck liddell as sexy( he is bad ass tho) .. hahahah way off topic

haha, i think its just more of hes my fav fighter so hes sexy for being so awesome lol :eek: from the eyes down hes sexy haha... got that funny lookin neandrathal forehead and eyebrows tho... anyway... back to the topic... dont let your chameleon ride your pet chicken guys! its not very nice
i agree with ptv and elizadots..i had the volume off but it looked like they were mostly ignorant to the fact they were doing anything really surprised how well the chameleon took it...still completely stupid though.
well..if you had the volume off you missed the song that got it labeled "hillbilly"...

One thought I had was that the chicken might well have been trained to let other animals ride her. People do stuff like that.

I like how mikeb666 disabled comments. He's a hillbilly chump, that chicken is prolly a housepet too. He's prolly not a member of the forum because you don't come accross many extreme losers here. but if you are a member mikeb666, I hope Satan has his way with you when you get to hell. Only serial losers would treat a cham or a bird in that manner.
Good luck with reporting them to the HS...this fool lives in the UK...
Aside from that if you watch the whole thing, the chicken doesn't seem to care that it has something on it...

Don't mistake this for something it's not...
Do I condone the behavior? absolutely not
Do I think it's a bad idea, absolutely
Would I do it? Nope, not in a million years

Even if this guy were in the USA, without some kind of actual abuse happening, you would have a very difficult time proving he did anything wrong legally.

As for a story about something similar to whats in the video, however not intentional, my neighbor used to have a buddy that had a free range chameleon, No idea what species but the buddy also had a little kick me dog, don't remember what breed he said it was, but it was something tiny and yappy...The dog would at times go up to the ficus the cham was on and notice the cham and bounce around barking it's head off, the cham would eventually get fed up with the dog, and would essentially leap off the ficus and grab on to the dog...This of course scared the poop out of the dog and it would bounce around yelping like it was being hurt until the cham either fell off or let go, after which the dog would run off and the cham would return to it's tree...
Perhaps it was simply for the chams amusement since they can't actually hear the noise, or perhaps the movement just bothered the cham...
Neither animal was ever hurt during the 'attack', and exactly how much of the story is actually true is a mystery since I never got a chance to meet this buddy, nor did I ever see the chameleon...

Just my two cents worth...
I have got to stop watching these reptile abuse videos. Kinda reminds of some guy who keeps rattlesnakes in a tiny bucket with a only a screen held on by a large rubber band (in the end of his video, I remember he brags about how everything he does is completely legal). These are the idiots (I take that back, calling them that would be offensive to idiots) that are getting reptiles banned. Sorry I went slightly off topic there, it just makes me so mad to see someone treating these beautiful animals so badly.
I'll just note that by having the video link posted here, we upped their "hits" so made them think it was more popular than it really was...
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