Change in behavior in last 2 days, coloration also generally dark

Pearl Fields

Avid Member
So, my adult male veiled chameleon (4.5 years old) has been acting a bit strange behavior wise when I tried to feed him both today and yesterday. I cup feed him, and yesterday he ignored the bugs and instead eagerly climbed straight onto my arm. Today when I went to feed him, he seemed eager to climb on my arm again, and at first ignored the bugs, then he ate them though. Then, he used my arm as a bridge to get on top of the open door of his cage, where he has been resting for awhile, seeming content. I am wondering if something is wrong inside (nothing has changed for like months, other than the temperatures have been a lot higher since my room is on the top floor and the heat of summer really heats it up) or if he is looking for a mate or something? His coloration is also very different in summer than it is in any other time of the year. He basically stays dark brown for most of the day, so I am wondering if that is a bad sign or not. I will attach pictures of him as well. Thank you!


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Seeing the colors I could almost swear I’m seeing a gravid female coloration 🤔 The color they give towards males, they’re carrying eggs and unavailable.

Hmmmm……that’s strange! I wouldn’t expect that. Normally a male getting that dark, is when he surrenders in a fight or giving up.

I think the restlessness is because he’s searching for a female. My Jackson is showing the exact the same behavior and it’s worst than the years before!
Glad to hear he’s not the only one! He seems well otherwise I just wanted to check. I wonder if the heat of summer right now is a signal for him to find a female.
Agreed. I wonder if something is bothering him or if he is too cold?
I sort of thought about this but I wouldn’t think he’d be cold since it was like over 80 degrees in my room when he was really dark in those first photos. I suppose as long as he is acting well and all that then I will just assume it is a nonissue.
Ever since May my male veiled has had color variations too. Much brighter than usual and he is showing his “I am a big bad cham stance more often then usual. I figure it’s spring starting late in May instead of March and the heat and humidity elevations. Also people with allergies are complaining it’s bad this year so that could cause discomfort as well.
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