Pearl Fields
Avid Member
So, my adult male veiled chameleon (4.5 years old) has been acting a bit strange behavior wise when I tried to feed him both today and yesterday. I cup feed him, and yesterday he ignored the bugs and instead eagerly climbed straight onto my arm. Today when I went to feed him, he seemed eager to climb on my arm again, and at first ignored the bugs, then he ate them though. Then, he used my arm as a bridge to get on top of the open door of his cage, where he has been resting for awhile, seeming content. I am wondering if something is wrong inside (nothing has changed for like months, other than the temperatures have been a lot higher since my room is on the top floor and the heat of summer really heats it up) or if he is looking for a mate or something? His coloration is also very different in summer than it is in any other time of the year. He basically stays dark brown for most of the day, so I am wondering if that is a bad sign or not. I will attach pictures of him as well. Thank you!