Cheap Egg Crate Flats

Thanks! Another great place to get them is from your local restaurant - try family owned over chains, because they have a better chance of having the egg flats. After a Sunday morning service they should have quite a few they can set aside for you, and it's free (though I'd eat in the restaurant just to stay on their good side!) :D
Careful getting a restaurant to save them for you. My friend owns a restaurant and makes them save egg crates for me. I am so buried in egg crates it is crazy.:eek: I keep offering to send them out for the postage cost, but only one person has very taken advantage of it.:( But I am here if anyone needs them.:D
Careful getting a restaurant to save them for you. My friend owns a restaurant and makes them save egg crates for me. I am so buried in egg crates it is crazy.:eek:

Yes, and if you keep the extras stacked, any loose crickets will nest in them. More than a few times I ran out of crickets in the bin and then restocked it with crickets hiding in the "extra" crates.
absolutbill - Good idea about getting a local restaurant to save some flats for you.

Mike Fisher + laurie - I will be checking my extra flats(when I get some) for crix often, lol

JHMills - Good find on the flats. These things drain your pocket after some time.
Get in good with a Golden Coral employee. They have insane egg crates every sunday, especially the ones who have the omlette bars. Grocery stores have them also. Food & dairy department. Their bulk eggs come in big boxes with flats. They then separate themselves or give to breakfast department.
You probably have a Western Sizzler then. Basically similar.

We have Denny's and IHOP around here and a quite a few local pancake houses. We have Sizzler for steaks, never heard of "Western" Sizzler though. I never ask for the egg flats, there are always plenty out back by the trash dumpster.
Careful getting a restaurant to save them for you. My friend owns a restaurant and makes them save egg crates for me. I am so buried in egg crates it is crazy.:eek: I keep offering to send them out for the postage cost, but only one person has very taken advantage of it.:( But I am here if anyone needs them.:D

me too. I have a pile that's taller than me now thanks to the College cafeteria.
Anyone who lives near Victoria BC let me know if you need any!
Ha! My connection is from the cafeteria at the hospital where I work.... If i dont take them, they just throw them away.... Works out for me... Though they're always agast that I need them for my roaches and crickets!! ;-)
We have Denny's and IHOP around here and a quite a few local pancake houses. We have Sizzler for steaks, never heard of "Western" Sizzler though. I never ask for the egg flats, there are always plenty out back by the trash dumpster.

Dumpster diving for your chams…..Priceless!:D

Dumpster diving for your chams…..Priceless!:D


You'd be surprised what you find in the dumpsters of certain places.

I built a thermoformer to make molded cage bottoms as well as a CNC machine from dumpster dive parts. The thermoformer was 100 percent repurposed parts, the CNC about 80 percent. Out of pocket on the CNC was under $500 for a machine with 24" X 48" cut area.

I've found commercial lighting fixtures custom made from brass and copper with an original price tag of $3500 ea! Glass store fronts that I used to make a zoo quality vivarium six feet deep by sixteen feet long. Totally nuts.
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