Cheapest place to get a screen cage for UK?


New Member
Looked around various places and about £100 is the cheapest i can find for a 2x2x4 reptibreeze or screen cage through places like ebay and amazon, found some in american from LLLreptile for like £55 but the shipping is £47.... which made me think if they are sold in america for £55 there must be somewhere in the UK that will do the same?

Also for keeping in humidity and heat in screen cages in cold places what do people cover the sides with?


Im not an expert about this but I think that 100 in the uk is close to the same as $55 us dollars, check the exchange rate, hope it helps ,
ChameleonWorldMuji make (imo) the best screen cages in the UK - they come in standard sizes or you can have a custom one made. They even sell drainage bases to fit the standard size cages. I have my Jackson in one of theirs and it is far superior to the Reptibreeze - and the screen doesn't rust! Here's a link
ealizard...I think you have your exchange rate backwards the american dollar is worth much less than the British Pound. 100Pounds is close to 160USD
Theya re really lovely people at Mujichams -I've met them several times. I got my Carpet male from them and Monty's large screen cage.
I have a Muji screen viv for outside. I love it, so well made, doesn't rust. The drainage tray is good too.:)
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