Chico is in full recovery mode!!!


New Member
Sooo turns out the vet had some extra calcitonin and is letting us get it for $25 a shot which is great because the pharmacy was talking about $2000 for just 2 mls. Which is Insane. So the past week he started climbing again. And maintained this peaceful bright green color since we began his treatment last Friday. He got his first calcitonin shot yesterday and he is already starting to bend his knees and not drag his wrist as much. And also much more active. The vet also ran a fecal and found that he had some kind of parasite. Candida something like that. Anyways he's on ttestament for that as well so I'm proud to say he's going to make it and make a close to full recovery. And Chico IS in fact a boy. Thanks for all the help I will post some pics in a few weeks and give some progress updates. Thanks again for all the help everyone. This is an awesome discussion board that actually solves problems and saves animals' lives.


  • 20150808_153531.jpg
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I am glad to hear that he's improving. Could the parasites be cociddia? What meds did the vet give you for the parasites?
I highly recommend that you do not use Albon. It can make your chameleon very sick and stop him from eating. Call your vet and have him get you ponazuril. It has no side effects and the experienced keepers here have been using it for years. Also you will need to do special clean ups or your little man will reinfect. I'm giving you a link below about the ponazuril and a link about the clean up.
Ya I suppose I can ask but it's only like a 10 day treatment I think? So I'm just going to stay on top of his hydration. He will be ok. Good info to have though. Thanks
Ya I suppose I can ask but it's only like a 10 day treatment I think? So I'm just going to stay on top of his hydration. He will be ok. Good info to have though. Thanks

I've seen it kill a few on here. Your boy is probably already weak from the MBD. I wood not risk it.
Ya I suppose I can ask but it's only like a 10 day treatment I think? So I'm just going to stay on top of his hydration. He will be ok. Good info to have though. Thanks

I had a chameleon with Coccidia also that I treated with Ponzuril and he tolerated it very well. Jann, is just trying to tell you that Ponzuril is the better choice. I hope you Chameleon fares well on the Albon.
Coccidia is common, and is usually something I would treat only if its a debilitating infection. IF there's just a few in there, I would hold off until it's recovered from the MBD before subjecting it to further stress.

And not with Albon. I recall arguing with Steve Davidson back in the early 90's about it - he said it kills their intestinal flora. I said it saved my veiled's life. It wiped out the coccidia, and he was ok for 2 weeks. But then he dropped dead.

The ponazuril is what you want to use. Albon will probably kill it.
OK good catch guys. I've only given him 2 doses. I will cease and desist on the albon and try to get the good stuff. Should I worry about the two .1 ml doses he has already gotten?
I talked to the vet we are switching him to ponazuril. He has lost his appetite but I'm hoping it's not going to last long. I am keeping him hydrated to flush out the albon.


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I don't know the effect of ponazuril - but that's pretty common for albon. It wipes out their intestinal flora. Tends to kill their appetite for a while. The feet look swollen. Are the back feet as swollen as the front?
No the front left is swollen the rest of his feet are fairly normal. He just started eating again. Starting him on the ponazuril friday.
Just an update if anyone cares. He is still recovering still hasn't got his appetite back fully because of the albon but he hasn't given up eating completely. He is moving and climbing around much more now. From almost no movement at all too all the time. No more meds for now we decided to treat the coccidia when the mbd is under control. Just his Calcionate daily and calcitonin injection once a week. About to be once every 2 weeks here's a pic I just took of him sleeping. He's had a long day lol


  • 20150814_201259.jpg
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Albon is outdated, use the Ponazuril. Equivalent to using NaCl H2O back in the day for cholera.
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My guy very recently had his fecals examinated and he tested positive for coccidia. My vet was reluctant to offer ponazuril as she supposedly had a cham die from
It. I insisted on ponazuril instead of albon (which is what she originally came out with). It was interesting to hear an opposing view from a herp professional. Bless her heart, she called to make sure he was doing alright after the first 3 doses.

My guy was prescribed to take it for 3 days on, 2 weeks off and 3 days on again. When I get back from vacation, I'll be cleaning and setting up his new cage with new plants and such. Fingers crossed.
Just a quick reminder for everyone dosing with Ponazuril or Albon: get them water, water, water and more water. It can seriously dehydrate your chams and is BRUTAL on their kidneys and liver. Add in they probably aren't eating while medicating and it becomes even more important. So, please: MIST, DRIP, DRIP, MIST, MIST, REPEAT!!!!! Good luck to everyone. :)
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