Cicada bad or good


I've been browsing the multitude of post on here about feeding cicada. It seems there's no conclusive answer. Some say go for it, others say they carry risk. Can any one help out by just making a simple pro con list? I don't want to poison Pop-tart, but heard Cicada are great nutrionally. I have few feeder options so if it's safe this would be great.

Anyone feed these and have any problems?
I believe they are safe to feed, but I'd be concerned about parasites when collecting them the wild. I can't imagine a cicada living underground for seventeen years and not having some sort of parasite.
I think the opposite. Living underground, away from bird feces and having sucking mouthparts, as opposed to chewing, make them less likely to ingest or be in contact with parasite eggs. There was a concern about them accumulating heavy metals, due to a long lifespan, but I would think that is unlikely in rural areas. If you live in a rural area, far from potential insecticides and urban poisoning, go for it. Chameleons love them!
I've been browsing the multitude of post on here about feeding cicada. It seems there's no conclusive answer. Some say go for it, others say they carry risk. Can any one help out by just making a simple pro con list? I don't want to poison Pop-tart, but heard Cicada are great nutrionally. I have few feeder options so if it's safe this would be great.

Anyone feed these and have any problems?

I live in Texas where the Dog Days are long and the cicadas are swarming. I have used them as a feeder for 17 years. I have fed them after going out and collecting them out of the trees. My favorite is going out at night and waiting for them to emerge from the ground. I bring them inside and let them set up. Once they start to emerge, that is when I feed them. They are almost neon green and very very soft.

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Are they that easy to find? Anywhere? I hear them on hot sunny days. but I have only ever seen dead ones... any help on finding them? @jpowell86
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