Cleaning Exo terra?


Recently moved and in the process, totally Broke down my frog/ Exo-terra, glass enclosure. The glass has what I guess to be, a lot of calcium build up? It is thin and white. What is the best way / product to remove it?
Any time I've cleaned glass terrariums, I've had luck with a little bit of bleach on a rag; make sure you rinse it out really well
Easiest way to remove calcium buildup from an exo is a wet Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Original. Works like a champ -- I use it (along with a squeegie) to clean the door glass on my dart frog vivs. Be sure to get the "original", not one of the ones with cleaning solutions in them (original is just an ultrafine abrasive, no harmful chemicals and won't scratch glass).

Also works nicely to remove calcarious algae from reef tanks.
Easiest way to remove calcium buildup from an exo is a wet Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Original. Works like a champ -- I use it (along with a squeegie) to clean the door glass on my dart frog vivs. Be sure to get the "original", not one of the ones with cleaning solutions in them (original is just an ultrafine abrasive, no harmful chemicals and won't scratch glass).

Also works nicely to remove calcarious algae from reef tanks.

Chuck, I didn't know that! I'm going to get one today and give my cages a good clean. Thanks for the information.
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