cocccidia days are over


New Member
3 weeks ago I took KnoKnuts poop in for a fecal, well they did a float and then took it one step futher, anyhow it came back positive for parasites, i was a bit devistated as i am waiting on the arrival of our new baby gyrl and was very concerned about KnoKnuts well being.
We made it thru the 7 days of 2X daily 2.5 cc of the dredeaded Albon. It was when he would not eat that i begin to freet; so i made sure he was well hydrated by pulling his bottom lip down while he slept and would squeez a drop at a time onto hiis bottom lip knowing it was going into his mouth thru his teeth cause my towl i had him wraped in was dry, so he was very well hydrated during his treatment, we bathed daily and he would just sit under his drip all day , even though he lost his color and turned into a color of dirt, when he slept he was again yellow and turquoise almost white.
So today he pooped, it looked really good, no signs of dehydration and the other was very clean as well.
That is not an easy treatment and i will not use that medicine again.
Now i am working feverishly on cleaning ALL and everything around the Chams area with 40% hydrogen peroxide deluted at 1/1 and a good rinse , i whittled all mt branches clean of bark and sprayed them down to soak in the soulation; i am confidant that it is working but will keep KnoKnut seperated from the baby gyrl and CoeChi till he get his final fecal within the next 10 days; I am just hoping that my CoeChi didnt get it from a branch that KnoKnut sat on, does anyone know how fast this spreads and iif it is passed thru the skin ooor just by fecal.
It has been a enduring 3 weeks and i hope i never have to go thru this again; it really hurts to see my boyz not feeling well and not knowing what i can do to make it better, at this point i find it best to leave them alone, anything stresses them out and with an impaired immunity from the poisionus medications its the worst.
I am releaved that KnoKnut is doing so much better now and hope that he will not have to do another treatment; it was difficult for me and so much more for him;
may this be a good lesson for me


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Glad to hear that everything is going well :)

Did you get another fecal done yet to make sure all the Cocc is gone?

Also I would recommend reptaid to give a little pick me up to your cham, that stuff seriously works wonders :)

Coccidia is highly contagious and spreads by anything he's poop might have touched. Luie had coccidia before twice even with all the proper cleaning with the peroxide it still came back......this has been a couple of years ago and we now do fecals at least every 3 months. If it does come back, personally I would not use the Albon. Have your vet get you the ponazuril. This older thread below has allot of good info about it.
when to do another fecal after treatment

i have ordered the Reptaid; hoping it will break the cycle, at least make Knoknut feel better, and help his appetite.
I'm so worried that my CoeChi has been exposed, so, his fecal is next, and due to his age he will be put on Ponsural because i dont think he would make it thru the agressive Albon, that stuff is like poision, but i still have hope that with reptaid things will get slowley better; hopefully, it sounds like a very good remedy, does anyone have experience with it??
I will keep things updated, about how long after the first treatment should i get another fecal done, 2 weeks??Anyone know ??
his fecal is next, and due to his age he will be put on Ponsural because i dont think he would make it thru the agressive Albon, that stuff is like poision?

Why would you expose any chameleon to Albon. Albon is not aggressive it only knocks down the levels so that the chameleon can fight the rest off. If you want to break the cycle use Panazuril it wipes it out to zero. Albon is old news and not worth the risk. I have used Panazaril on 5 chameleons. 3 months to adults all gained wait and were clean after the treatments. Some were heavily loaded. No appetite loss or any adverse affects.
Reptaid works

I recently used reptaid for a uri and ten days later my cham is looking so much better. He is eating like a pig and has no signs of the infection lingering. At first I didnt beleive the hype of it but it really does work. Contact Elliot from and good luck.
i have ordered the Reptaid; hoping it will break the cycle, at least make Knoknut feel better, and help his appetite.
I'm so worried that my CoeChi has been exposed, so, his fecal is next, and due to his age he will be put on Ponsural because i dont think he would make it thru the agressive Albon, that stuff is like poision, but i still have hope that with reptaid things will get slowley better; hopefully, it sounds like a very good remedy, does anyone have experience with it??
I will keep things updated, about how long after the first treatment should i get another fecal done, 2 weeks??Anyone know ??

NutriBAC is good to use for appetite stimulation. You can buy it here:
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