College Woes


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Hey folks!

Well some of you may or may not know i'm going to UC Davis in the fall, but I am having a dillema of living ON or OFF campus.

ON Campus i will be more oriented to other people and i guess near where everything is at, most likely have a dorm roommate , but can ask for a single room.

Off campus there are near campus apartments i can go to and basically be free do mostly what i want to, even keeping my lone chameleon zulu. But need to be prepared to go on a bus/ maybe bike to campus within a mile or so.

So I'm basically asking opinions what is the "right choice" for as a 1st year freshman off to college:) to be ON or OFF campus?

I appreciate all comments/advice and even jokes aside about my lil predicament;):p
I would say that you are going to be more likely to be focused on school if you are on campus. ;)

It really depends on how easily distracted you are. :p
hey ace i really recommend living on campus your first year. it is a completely different experience that living of campus. you get to do fun activities probably will meet you everlasting friends and just live college life. i know it sucks dorms do not allow pets but you can always get an apartment next year (some of the people you meet in the dorms might want to rent one as well the second year). but you won't regret living in the dorms as there is always something to do. plus most RA's in the dorms tell you when there will be a room check up so in the mean time you can have a small cham without them knowing :D some RA's are actually cool with it so i recommend becoming friends with her or him :D i have actually sold some chams to people who live in dorms...:roll eyes: shhh don't tell hahahaha..... but in reality it all comes to you if you think you will do well in an apartment go for it its also fun and cheaper! :D
I think you should live where ever cost less...while it's been decades, I remember getting blitzed at friends' on campus housing and off campus housing. Meaning: parties happen where ever college students are.
Ace you are going to UC Davis next fall. Congratulations and see there in Fall. I live at The Colleges which is considered on campus and they allow me to keep 2 chameleons (Rhino my Parsons and Socrates my Ambanja Panther). If you find a good place to live you may be able to take Zulu with you.
Ace you are going to UC Davis next fall. Congratulations and see there in Fall. I live at The Colleges which is considered on campus and they allow me to keep 2 chameleons (Rhino my Parsons and Socrates my Ambanja Panther). If you find a good place to live you may be able to take Zulu with you.

Hi Jeremy,

Hope to see you every now and then at UCD. Thanks for the postive possibility, however usually freshman are in the residence halls within campus, and as far as i know i'm limited to what i cam bring. Most likely i'll move out to an apartment in my 2nd year at Davis.and maybe bring my cham.

I envy you that you live on campus along with keeping 2 chams!!!
LOL and no worries. Living on campus for your first year is kind of a right of passage. However when or if you move off campus and find a good place to stay you may be able to keep chameleons. Calavera was breeding Jacksons and Panrthers (and other reptile) out of his apartment when he was here at Davis. See you if I see you.

Have you picked a major yet?
So far im admitted at UCD under animal science but might switch to animal biology, whichever prepares me more for vet school at davis
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