Color Question (with pics)


New Member
Here is a picture of Krash. Born May 11, 2011. He is a Kammer cham and I was recently looking at the pictures of the breeders on the Kammer website and noticed little resemblance. Can anyone tell me if they think he will turn to the red, orange, and yellow like his parents? or maybe he is the 'red-head' of his family lol. He got his colors about a month ago. Any comments on if his color will change much?


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WOW. the sire is beautiful. he could def change those colors from what i hear. depends how old he is in that pic.

oh. and is it ok to take those pics? at least do a little citation.
Ed and Liddy have given us permission to use pictures of their breeders when it pertains to an offspring

oh. sorry i didnt know ^^.

ps- you can see some yellow and red peaking through. idk if he will fire up like that or not. sometimes they look like mom/dad sometimes they dont look anything alike. post back ehre when he's older so we can see what happend!
he's only 4 months or so from my calculations. He has a long way to go to look like the sire and he may never look that good. You just have to be patient. You never know how they are going to turn out. Let's face it the breeders are the cream of the crop and the chances of you getting one to look exactly like the parent are slim. It does happen but it is not a given.
Let the dice roll

We have an Odre-Ahy baby which was born April 11' (don't know exact day :eek:). Your guy looks pretty similar to ours when we first got him. In the beginning, he was mostly green/yellow with red bars. Now his bars are becoming more bluish/purple and yellow/orange-ish body. It's a roll of the dice what your guy is going to look like but I know for sure that he'll be very nice looking. Check out my album for more pics of what he looks like now.
My guy is looking great but he just seems much different. I was just curious and wanted to get other input from the more experienced keepers like y'all. In the mornings, I've noticed that his bars are blue on the inside and outlined in red, its pretty crazy. And yes Okiroo, I've noticed the yellow on his belly a lot and the little bit of red on his beard but he has always had just that which is the little bit of red and the yellow belly. Do chams change that drastically in color over their lifetime when they already show as much color as mine?
You got a Sambava, which is the locale that takes the longest to color up to full potential! :) They will go through green phases, blue phases, and finally start getting their yellows and reds closer to two years of age.

It will happen, but it'll take a while.
It says the sire is a 'CB ambilobe panther'. What is CB? crossbreed?. its not red bar or blue bar. lol
Oh nevermind then, I assumed it was Sambava from the colors. I can't pull it up any larger to read the name of the sire.

Still though, he'll get his colors in due time. My Ambilobe also took a little over a year to get his full colors. And he eventually got to have a yellow background too.
Well I'm always takin pictures of him so I'm sure I'll notice a difference when I go through his old pictures in a month or two. I'm too impatient :p
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