
Oh no! I'm so sorry. Don't give up on the forums completely. I'm sure when you are ready you can get another chameleon and learn from your experiences to improve.
There are an incredible amount of ignorant people with Chameleons...its amazing. It's like they can't read or don't know how to use the "Internets"...before they get an exotic animal.
There are an incredible amount of ignorant people with Chameleons...its amazing. It's like they can't read or don't know how to use the "Internets"...before they get an exotic animal.

Excuse me, but these people usually have good intentions. They trust the animal people they bought the chameleon from because they are supposed to be knowledgable. That isn't always the case though, and that causes some problems for the owners. She had him get this far, so she was doing something right. It's just the substrate that was the problem right now, which I'm sure she was told was great for chameleons. The packaging even has a chameleon on it!
Good intentions are fine for the person but certainly don't do much for a lizard. . 15 minutes on the internet and wow...chameleon dead avoidable. Due Diligence

Now i'm being an ass I know...but still

Just to be clear, by ignorant I mean the dictionary version not the I'm calling them "stupid" version.
Understandable, but you has to give her credit for even looking it up online. Some people just don't care because veileds are so cheap. Oh honey, your chameleons sick? Well when he dies I'll buy you a new $30 veiled. :(
Agreed. Certainly gets kudos for getting as far as getting the stick out and treating for mouth rot. Pretty impressive for getting back on track.

Its a shame Veiled's are so cheap...jacksons too.

I am certainly going to try again...............
I am glad he made it this far and that he is in a better place.....
Thanks so much for standing up for me pssh. He had to be in so much pain. I know a lot more now than I did before. I am going to clean out his cage and try again. I am glad I got to spend time with him. Ever since I was five I have always wanted a Chameleon.He is always going to be the best.
Message to svinyard I don't appreciate the way your talking about me...
I had been on the computer for over 4 months looking up care-sheets and what not and If I hadn't have tried then I wouldn't have learned anything.How do you
think the breeders and experts learn? Maybe from other breeders but from mistakes. He was my first. I intend to continue till I get it right.
Yeah, it's a shame that most of the care sheet have inaccurate information on them. Even when owners try to research for their animals, they get thrown off because the care sheets are wrong. :( Some are okay, but others not so much. Plus a lot of them contradict eachother.
Most people on this forum are so knowledgeable about cham husbandry they forget how difficult it really is. Their 10x more difficult than most pets and harder than most lizards. Their uniqueness is also their weakness. Just their tongue shooting to feed is a very delicate mechnism. For most on here you guys make it look easy, but it's a lot of work.
I wouldn't know... I've been keeping since I was 7, which makes me assume that it isn't THAT hard. That was before this forum too.
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