Concerned, Sleeping...

I hope this helps

1.8 cc = 0.365191445 US teaspoons
1 US teaspoon = 4.92892159 cc (about 5 cc)

No that doesnt help. I just want someone to say x teaspoons plus x ccs of water = the amount you need to make him better..


And Ryan, not frustrated with you..Frustrated apparently for the education i did not receive...
As he is drinking, and as you force fed (via stressing him with a mirror and putting food into his mouth) just yesterday, and as you've made many changes to his evironment recently, perhaps he just needs (as others before me have suggested) to be left entirely alone for awhile. Except for watering and a vet visit, try not to disturb him for a few days. Then, if he still doesnt perk up, definately get to the vet.
No that doesnt help. I just want someone to say x teaspoons plus x ccs of water = the amount you need to make him better..


And Ryan, not frustrated with you..Frustrated apparently for the education i did not receive...

Here are the online directions for others to see.

depending on weight 100g - 225g

You would take 6cc of water say 1.5 tsp of water. (I rounded up) and 12 tsp of the mix. I am guessing it is more of a paste.

You would then draw up into a syringe 1.8 cc (or 1.8 ml or a little less than half a teaspoon of the paste) and feed it. 1.8 is for a 120g animal. If it is severe 3.6cc (or 3.6 ml) can be given.
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As he is drinking, and as you force fed (via stressing him with a mirror and putting food into his mouth) just yesterday, and as you've made many changes to his evironment recently, perhaps he just needs (as others before me have suggested) to be left entirely alone for awhile. Except for watering and a vet visit, try not to disturb him for a few days. Then, if he still doesn't perk up, definately get to the vet.

I totally agree.

I have stressed one of my Jackson females by not noticing a gap between the barrier and the males cage. She was dark and hid for a few days. I put a sheet over the cage and left her alone for a couple days. She returned to her normal self a couple days later.
No that doesnt help. I just want someone to say x teaspoons plus x ccs of water = the amount you need to make him better..


And Ryan, not frustrated with you..Frustrated apparently for the education i did not receive...

There is no magic potion. Nothing. Believe me. If there was, we'd all use it and never have heartbreak in this hobby. The best way to handle this is by stepping back. Focus on the upcoming vet visit and just keep him from getting stressed. Chameleons can be very fragile when they are sick. In my experience, the panthers and the veileds survive the worst of conditions with a chance to come back.

Do you have anyone in Tennessee who can come over and help you? Are there any other members out in that area?
NOt near me. I know the guy who directed me here (ha, bet you all are wishing he didnt eh?) but he is is Nashville I think.

Leo gets stressed about everything though..I mist and he turns orange and No, Im not misting him or anywhere near him. Today however, he didnt even open his eyes when i misted.. I made a loud racket next to the cage to get him to perk up and nothing..I actually touched him to make sure he wasnt..ya know..gone..and he opened a very sunken eye.. Im so scared.. Im not sure how this happened.. he was drinking great until 2 days ago..and nothing changed.. Im baffled and I feel really retarded for not understanding what is going on..

and thank you for the measurement breakdown..

and Sandra, I am just doing what everyone on this site has informed me to do. I apologize if that caused Leos health issue. im trying to be the best cham owner I can and im when someone whom I consider knowledgeable says you need to do this, i do it..and then when it doesnt work or makes it worse and someone else says, do this, I do that and before you know it, Im where Im at and all fingers are pointing at me.. My doing yes for following advice given..

Im too frazzled. Im leaving him alone and going to the vet on Saturday..Not sure If Ill bother to do an update.. Thanks..Night.

I am very sorry to hear about all this. Though I am very thankful that you have a drive to help him. I think a vet visit would be your best bet or if you would like, I will pay for shipping him to me and I can take care of him until I feel comfortable that he is pumping on all cylinders or if you want to drive half way. Just let me know! You can call me anytime and I will help as well.

One thing to know about advice on forums is many people have been through the same issues, but many have not. There are a lot of different ways to keep a panther healthy, and different people will have a little different method. But you need to find what works with you and your animal. Trying everything that is suggested on forums is not a good idea, there are too many factors about your animal that cannot be explained in a forum, no matter how much "reputation" someone may have, their ways may not be the best. Not saying mine are, but I have seen a lot and I don't have much is not a good way to judge advice.

Please call me anytime (704) 326-6746 if you want to talk or if you want me to see your animal.

Thanks, good luck, and hope to hear from you soon,

Responding to Cleanlines Advice above!

NOW thats the best advice and support I've heard! Cleanline. highest regards!
Chams are tough clients at times and some owners care so much, cause they have found their way into such amazing creatures!
This girl obviously cares so deeply for this wonderful Panther, and wants only its health and happiness. Some times setting back absorbing the situation and keeping your mind focused & straight ahead is the cure. To many people pounding from to many directions is overwhelmingly CONFUSING, to say the least! I feel Cleanline here has stepped up to the plate and has made the most sence!!!
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I'm hoping things get better. Wow CleanLine, that's really nice of you.. Wish I had customer service like that hehe.
Okay, well we're all there with you. You're doing the best you can. Everyone knows it.

NOt near me. I know the guy who directed me here (ha, bet you all are wishing he didnt eh?) but he is is Nashville I think.

Leo gets stressed about everything though..I mist and he turns orange and No, Im not misting him or anywhere near him. Today however, he didnt even open his eyes when i misted.. I made a loud racket next to the cage to get him to perk up and nothing..I actually touched him to make sure he wasnt..ya know..gone..and he opened a very sunken eye.. Im so scared.. Im not sure how this happened.. he was drinking great until 2 days ago..and nothing changed.. Im baffled and I feel really retarded for not understanding what is going on..

and thank you for the measurement breakdown..

and Sandra, I am just doing what everyone on this site has informed me to do. I apologize if that caused Leos health issue. im trying to be the best cham owner I can and im when someone whom I consider knowledgeable says you need to do this, i do it..and then when it doesnt work or makes it worse and someone else says, do this, I do that and before you know it, Im where Im at and all fingers are pointing at me.. My doing yes for following advice given..

Im too frazzled. Im leaving him alone and going to the vet on Saturday..Not sure If Ill bother to do an update.. Thanks..Night.

I am very sorry to hear about all this. Though I am very thankful that you have a drive to help him. I think a vet visit would be your best bet or if you would like, I will pay for shipping him to me and I can take care of him until I feel comfortable that he is pumping on all cylinders or if you want to drive half way. Just let me know! You can call me anytime and I will help as well.

One thing to know about advice on forums is many people have been through the same issues, but many have not. There are a lot of different ways to keep a panther healthy, and different people will have a little different method. But you need to find what works with you and your animal. Trying everything that is suggested on forums is not a good idea, there are too many factors about your animal that cannot be explained in a forum, no matter how much "reputation" someone may have, their ways may not be the best. Not saying mine are, but I have seen a lot and I don't have much is not a good way to judge advice.

Please call me anytime (704) 326-6746 if you want to talk or if you want me to see your animal.

Thanks, good luck, and hope to hear from you soon,


Now that is nice advice / customer service, that was very nice of you cleanline!! Very nice! :D

Btq blackbetty, im sure sandra wasnt meaning to be rude, she does have some great advice. :) hope your cham gets better
She's just regrouping and trying to take care of him. All of the advice lately has been extremely overwhelming and sometimes the jabs really hurt. No names! But she's getting help from Chris and should be able to correct any issues and turn Leo around. :)
I've been following this thread. How is your cham doing? I just want to say that I don't think you're an inadequate owner in the least. I had to go through the same thing with mine, and despite all the stress I gave him trying to hydrate and feed him he still pulled through and is fine now. We can't leave our chams alone if they're sick and not eating, because they'll just waste away. I hope your cham gets better, I really do.
Thank you. I think he has either a respiratory infection or a URI.. Either way, he is not doing well at all and Im fearing he wont make it through the night.
Oh God! that's terrible. I remember you saying you were going to take him to the vet. Have you gone yet or is your appt later?? I know here in Kansas there is an emergency vet clinic with a herp vet that if serious enough, we could take our cham to. Is there anything like that there??

I wonder how he got a URI? :confused:
Leo Has Died

I was on the phone with Amanda the entire time. Leo was clearly dying. No vet visit, no miracle would have turned him around. Arrangements are being made to have a necropsy done and this is primarily for her own peace of mind. Not to point fingers.

As forum members, many of us helped in setting Amanda up to fail. Too much advice, too much criticism, too many things taken out of context, and way too many passive aggressive comments. Sometimes it is very diffiult for a new keeper to decipher between good and bad advice.

I feel very sad for Amanda and what she went through. She came in with such enthusiasm. She is drained.
Wow-Blackbetty I am sorry for the way this turned out. I know you did not do anything intentionally. I do think the constant cage changes and moves can really stress out just about any chameleon, and then the Reptaid and forcefeeding at the end could have contributed. It is just super hard to tell, sometimes we just never know what could have gone wrong. I am not sure you really got too much in the way of wrong advice-people were genuinely trying to help you diagnose and solve the problems.
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