confused about chams gender and appetite


New Member
Hey guys, so I have a few problems. Bare with me.

I have had Pascal for three months now and got him when he was about 3 months old. So he should be around 6 months old. He eats around 8 crickets a day and up to 10 mealworms. No supplements (I know I need to start). Small cage sprayed 2-3 times a day.

About a week ago, Pascal's appetite decreased. He constantly drank water however and always chilled out on a vine I have in his cage, not really moving much. This worried me so I took him to the vet a few days later. The vet informed he was a she and might be ovulating and therefore loosing her appetite. They conducted xray and found no eggs.
However, she has tarsal spurs on both hind legs! (Which is why I thought she was a he to begin with). However, the timing seemed right so I believed it.

Well one week later she/he is still not eating although the vet told me to force feed her through a syringe and I have. But i know chameleons stress easily and I can't help but think force feeding isn't the way to go.

If she is ovulating how long will she go on this hunger strike untill she lays her eggs?
If she's a he what can be wrong?
Oh yeah, Pascal is also shedding.
I'm just confused and would like some second opinions.

I can't upload picture with phone so it is coming soon!
Here's Pascal. Tiny stump on hind leg?


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That's a male, and he is shedding. That may be why. Keep offering food, maybe a new variety of feeders. It took my chameleon over a month to start eating when I got him. And FYI... Your vet is an idiot...

Also, no more mealworms. They can cause impaction. Has he pooped?
could be because he is shedding

for goodness sake, gut some calcium powder! three important growth months without it, especially with what you are feeding him - that's terrible!!!
Yeah calcium is HUGE in the process of growing. Any growing bones need calcium to do so.
Yeah calcium is HUGE in the process of growing. Any growing bones need calcium to do so.
True, you are just asking for trouble, if he develops MBD it's inevitable - you cannot cure it! Please start using suplements ASAP!
Hello, welcome to the forum :) He's definitely a male, and there are a few possible reasons why his appetite has gone down. The most important thing by far is to get your calcium supplements right. I also think he looks healthy enough to go a long time without eating, so no need for force feeding yet.
I think the most probable reason why his appetite has gone down is feeding so many mealworms. My advice first would be to try other feeders to get him interested in food again. Here is a list of good feeders to try -
My male went for nearly 3 weeks eating nothing when he went on a 'hunger strike' and he remained healthy and active. Male Veileds are particularly fussy eaters........
Here is a great all-round caresheet for Veileds -
If you have gone for 3 months without supplements and are feeding him mealworms daily, i wonder what your husbandry is like . Could you start a new thread in the health section please and fill in the how to ask for help form. I suspect there will be issues. The completed form will give us a good picture and we will be able to help you.
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